I managed to get signed up for both 600 yard intermediate range match and the 1000 yard grand Aggregate matches this morning by 2 minutes after 6:00 AM, but BOY did the 1000 yard get filled up and then closed for entries fast! Literally 6 minutes after 0600 or a little less depending upon who the source is and then the 600 yard (my registration got done by 3 minutes after 6:00 AM) matches closed quickly thereafter---all filled up! Many of our local shooters didn't make the registration and are on the wait lists. Kind of a shame, huh?---talking about Masters and HIGH Masters here--- And this is a MAJOR match with literally 300 to 400 shooters that come from all over the world with individual shooters and teams and it is attended by most all of the Teams that shoot around in the US---LAPUA, BERGER, SAVAGE, etc!!
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