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Rifle Scopes Best $400 dollar scope Cabellas Covenant 7 small review.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2009
Akron Ohio Summit
This is going to be a quick overview of the scope. I set out to look for a scope for my Tikka T1x (22lr) and Anschutz 1416 in 17hmr. My priorities were $300-$600. I was looking at three scopes Vortex Diamond Back tactical, Burris XTR 2 (Used), Midas Tac.

So I took a long look at the Diamond Back, and it met most of my criteria. Mil /Mil, FFP, tree reticle, decent glass, and at least 30mm tube. The big thing with it was no zero stop and I just could not get behind it.

Next was the Burris, it had every single thing I was looking for but was at the top of the budget, and would have to be used. I have bought three Burris of the hide for $650 dollars.

The Midas Tac I was able to find for $489 dollars and met all the parameters.

While searching for these scopes I came across the Cabelas brand scope line and started researching them. In there covenant 7 lines, they have a scope that is FFP, Mil/Mil, Zero stop, 34mm tube, 50mm objective, 1/3 shorter than my Burris in Length. and it was priced at $399.99

So I drove to Cabelas this morning to look at in person. Overall I was impressed. I had them pull a Vortex PST, Burris xtr2, and Bushnell Forge. To compare side by side. I would say the glass was as good or very close to all the above listed. The Clicks where very audible and about 80% feel of the Burris XTR2's, so not bad at all. Zero stop is very easy to set. The tube does not feel cheap. It has a throw lever along with it.

So I bought one to see how it works. I have not been able to complete any tracking test on it. That will be the big question. For what I want it for a 22 and 17hmr I think it will fit nicely.

So no it's not Nightforce or Schmidt and bender quality, but so far for the price, it is one of the better scopes on the market that I have placed in my hands.

By the way, I run a Schmidt PM2 DT MSR and a Nightforce ATACR Mil C and a lot of Burris XTR2's So I have an idea of Quality. I was looking for this scope in a certain price range. And unless it fails miserably at tracking this should be a great sub $600 dollar budget.

as soon as I can to a trackign test I will post.
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So I box tested it on a 17hmr today at 100 yards and ran it up to 200 yards a couple of time from a 50 yard zero. So, up, then down, several times and it repeated what it should have. I know that is not a long distance, but I only had out to 200 and that is 90% percent of the range I will be using this at.
Made in China. Glass is ok. It is not like you pay $400 for a $600 value scope. You pay $400 for $400 value scope with a lot of + features. IMHO, pay a little more for an used athlon or Bushnell.
IN that case, why not pay a little more and go to Burris and so on and so on. Hell just keeps adding to the so on and soon you will have a Schmidt and bender. The point was not that its a 600 dollar scope. The point was in the 400 dollar range it is actually a decent scope. It has more elevation and more field of view than the Athlons Midas tac at 1/3 less cost. I compared it glass wise to a 900 Bushnell forge 1000 Burris xtr2 and vortex PST series scopes. My only concern is that it tracks.
I had one and I really hated it, even for a $400 scope. The image is twisted in 1/3 area closer to edge, clicks are soft and have fair bit of play, turrets does not line up and you have no way to make it line up, windage is too slippery almost can move by itself. Maybe there is great variation unit to unit but I would strongly suggest not buying one.

If you can get a Athlon Midas Tac at $500, that would be my recommendation, it’s multiple levels upgrade from this thing.

I have to be honest and hopefully it prevents some of your headache down the road.
@cageli Did you have the covenant 7. Or one of there lesser models. The 7 has only been out for about 4 months. Also I played with three they had and I would not call their clicks mushy in the least. Just wonder what model you actually used. Because my experience has been just the opposite.
Is this it?

Good info. I have a Vortex Diamondback FFP on my 455 VPT and was going to get a second for my RPR Rimfire. Might give one of these a shot instead. It's nice to see some more budget friendly FFP scopes with a nicer mil reticle. Hard to drop a ton of cash for a Razor or NF to put on a 22lr.
Did you actually use one and hat where you using it on. I have it on an Anschutz 17hnr
If you look closely, the photo is my order receipt. Yeah I bought it, used it, hated it, returned it. Kudo to Cabela's who does take ownership of their stuff. Maybe 3-21 is a better one, but I'm not going to try it another time. the 5-35 I got is shitty, I would not use it even someone pay me $400 to use it...
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I dont want to knock on OP, he obviously has many guns and needs lots of scopes, and he indeed used the 3-21 and he liked it, then come to share his experience. Nothing wrong with that. I had a different experience on 5-35, wanted to give another perspective. After all it's just a $400 scope and Cabela will take it back if you dont like it. So if you got time and interest, try one and if hate it just return it. I just dont have that time to try and error.
This is going to be a quick overview of the scope. I set out to look for a scope for my Tikka T1x (22lr) and Anschutz 1416 in 17hmr. My priorities were $300-$600. I was looking at three scopes Vortex Diamond Back tactical, Burris XTR 2 (Used), Midas Tac.

So I took a long look at the Diamond Back, and it met most of my criteria. Mil /Mil, FFP, tree reticle, decent glass, and at least 30mm tube. The big thing with it was no zero stop and I just could not get behind it.

Next was the Burris, it had every single thing I was looking for but was at the top of the budget, and would have to be used. I have bought three Burris of the hide for $650 dollars.

The Midas Tac I was able to find for $489 dollars and met all the parameters.

While searching for these scopes I came across the Cabelas brand scope line and started researching them. In there covenant 7 lines, they have a scope that is FFP, Mil/Mil, Zero stop, 34mm tube, 50mm objective, 1/3 shorter than my Burris in Length. and it was priced at $399.99

So I drove to Cabelas this morning to look at in person. Overall I was impressed. I had them pull a Vortex PST, Burris xtr2, and Bushnell Forge. To compare side by side. I would say the glass was as good or very close to all the above listed. The Clicks where very audible and about 80% feel of the Burris XTR2's, so not bad at all. Zero stop is very easy to set. The tube does not feel cheap. It has a throw lever along with it.

So I bought one to see how it works. I have not been able to complete any tracking test on it. That will be the big question. For what I want it for a 22 and 17hmr I think it will fit nicely.

So no it's not Nightforce or Schmidt and bender quality, but so far for the price, it is one of the better scopes on the market that I have placed in my hands.

By the way, I run a Schmidt PM2 DT MSR and a Nightforce ATACR Mil C and a lot of Burris XTR2's So I have an idea of Quality. I was looking for this scope in a certain price range. And unless it fails miserably at tracking this should be a great sub $600 dollar budget.

as soon as I can to a trackign test I will post.
Hey Paul any new info on the covenant7? What rings did you use, height? I am planning on getting one for my T1x with mountain tactical 20moa base. Got any pics of combo you're running?

I am running EITech medium rings. If your using a 20 MOA you will need high rings. I am buying one for my Tikka T1x as well. This is currently in my Anschutz. So far for the price I still have not found anything close. I love it.
Just a word of caution on these scopes. I was visiting one of the guys at Cabela's I go to once in a while when I was looking at these scopes and they currently do NOT have warranty coverage in the stores as of May 15th due to the Bass Pro buy out. There was a card in the box on the one I thought about buying but I have asked at other stores as well and that is an unknown as of my last asking about 3 weeks ago. They look decent for the price but just be aware for any future issues if you are using them for centerfire recoil. I personally went with the Diamondback Tactical due to this reason and my plans to use it on multiple rifles depending on the time of year.
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I am looking for a scope to keep my T1x in nrl22 base class. I have a SWFA SS16x fixed power right now but would like higher power for paper targets. I like the Diamondback tact, but it doesn't have a zero stop or a way to shim for one. I came across the Covenant 7 here, msrp keeps me in base class, has zero stop, and 21x at the top end.

Just a word of caution on these scopes. I was visiting one of the guys at Cabela's I go to once in a while when I was looking at these scopes and they currently do NOT have warranty coverage in the stores as of May 15th due to the Bass Pro buy out. There was a card in the box on the one I thought about buying but I have asked at other stores as well and that is an unknown as of my last asking about 3 weeks ago. They look decent for the price but just be aware for any future issues if you are using them for centerfire recoil. I personally went with the Diamondback Tactical due to this reason and my plans to use it on multiple rifles depending on the time of year.
Good to know about the warranty. Seems a lot of Cabela's product and service has REALLY suffered from the buy out. I've been really on the fence about one. My VPT currently had a Diamondback as well, but dang if it wouldn't be nice to have a zero stop.
In 2010 I bought a Cabela’s brand scope. I put it on a 308 and the reticle canted pretty bad. I tried to use the warranty and was told I needed a receipt to proof my purchase (wtf? Where else would I buy a Cabela’s brand? Unless they wanted to see the date to make sure it’s within the warranty validity date).

That scope has been sitting in its box with its canted reticle for almost 10 years now. That was my first Cabela’s scope. I will never buy that junk of a scope brand.
Hey Paul, I just picked up a Covenant 7, 3-21x this morning. I talked to the guy behind the counter about the warranty and he said that the Cheektowaga store honors all Cabelas warranties, talked to cust service also. I have the receipt in the box that states the "lifetime warranty" and the owners manual in the box with "lifetime warranty". Now for some rings. The topic of ring height says I can use low 34mm rings. How much clearance do you have under your oblective bell?

I like it so far, I shot our little local nrl22/rimfire prs match with it. I came in second, (only 8 shooters). My son beat me by 2 shots. With the 20 MOA rail I had plenty of elevation to dial to 350y. I think I will be very happy with it. When I get a chance I will snap a pic. I went with Millet low tactical rings and have about 3/16" barrel clearance. I just have to get a longer butpad, because I can't move the scope forward enough.

I like the rig more and more every time I shoot it. I got the 3x-21x Covenant7, Cabelas was out of the higher mag scope. It looked a lot bigger also. Not having it in stock made the decision for me, I was kind of up in the air about the two.
