Best AICS Magazines for Tikka T3x CTR


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May 1, 2017
I am looking to upgrade the stock on my Tikka CTR. With Europtic having the Tikka CTR magazines at $72 each, the Tikka magazines aren't a bad option, but you are limited to stocks/chassis from Bell & Carlson, Manners, McMillan or McRee's G10. Not that any of these are bad options, but sort of the new Bell and Carlson, none of these are under $400.

Switching to AICS magazines opens even more options for magazines and stock/chassis, with all of the options from XLR, MPA, KRG, MDT, Cadex and all the others. I would love to stick my rifle in the new KRG Bravo coming out soon or an MPA. However, reading through the different threads, you read a lot of issues with the Tikka CTR not feeding well from AICS magazines, which is an issue I have never had with my Tikka magazines. So my question is how common are the feed issues with Tikka CTR and AICS magazines, and what magazines have you found that did not have issues. Also, are certain chassis options better with less feed issues than others. Buying multiple $70 magazines to try and find one that works is not something I would look forward to.
I just recently dropped my Tikka CTR into a XLR carbon chassis. I only have one 5 round Accurate Mag and it is ok but not as nice as the factory mag was. I just received the MDT metal mag and already it seems much easier to load than the Accurate one. I hope to function test it next week.
Buy the Ruger Scout Mags, 10 round steel ones. They work perfectly in anything AICS compatible. $50ish bucks seems to be the going rate. If you can find a gun store that doesn't know what they have, you can get them even cheaper (I've picked them up NIB for $20 because the LGS doesn't deal with tactical firearms, but they get these mags in shipments anyway).

You can use the 10rd poly mags, but you have to grind the hell out of them, and if you do too much, the feed lips flex and won't hold rounds in.
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I've run both Accurate and AICS mags in my Tikka/manners/CDI. The factory bottom metal IMO is better, but again... that is to me. My magazines have thousands of rounds on them so they're well broken in and the factory mags felt like it wasn't picking up a round at all, but always chambered (just that smooth).

That said, I have never had a failure to feed/chamber in either. Buy either one.
Thanks for the feedback. I really like the Tikka factory bottom metal and magazine system, but the stock options do make it tempting to switch. I had not thought about the Ruger Scout magazines and didn't realize they were compatible with AICS magazines. That would definitely create a less expensive option.

I had read that ARC magazines were also having issues with Tikkas. I just never know if the issues reported are widespread, or more of a individual problem with that magazine and action.
Another consideration is COAL length. Genuine AICS Mags with the binder plate Max out @ 2.880" . Accurate Mags without binder plate can reach 2.950". Tikka CTR Mags are 2.950" MDT Metal Mags are 2.870" with binder plate and 2.960" without. MDT Polymer 2.800". ARC 10 round mags are 2.970". Just something to be aware of.
Do whichever is easiest for you to obtain. When I first got my CTR almost a year ago, mags were almost none existance so I immediately swapped it to a mountain tactical and haven't looked back. AICS mags are easy to find and have a good history behind them. Accurate and ARC mags allow for a longer COAL, which is kind of a double edged sword. When I was using the Accurate mags with the binder plate, I have little to no feeding issues. Since I've switched to the mags without the binder plate, I tend to have feeding issues every now and again. Nothing serious, I just have to tap the mag to get the cartridges to jump up. I'm going to try taking my mags apart and stretching the springs to see if that does me any good.

ARC mags have been hit or miss. Mostly due to the follower. I need to take them out and sand down the edges. I'm really having to play with the feed lips on those mags, but I'm to the point of making a longer mag catch to maybe compensate, so I don't have cartridges popping out of the mag.

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I am running an ARC mag in a KRG X-ray. The follower in it sucks and causes the rounds to nose dive and not feed worth a shit. I removed a follower and spring from an AICS five round mag and it now feeds without any issue. So now I have $120 into one magazine. Not impressed.

The 5 round AICS mags feed very well.

I am running an ARC mag in a KRG X-ray. The follower in it sucks and causes the rounds to nose dive and not feed worth a shit. I removed a follower and spring from an AICS five round mag and it now feeds without any issue. So now I have $120 into one magazine. Not impressed.

The 5 round AICS mags feed very well.
I've contemplated doing that as well, but like you said, now your $120 in the mag when you/We could have just bought 2 AICS patterned mags for that price. I have some buddies who are working on making a new follower to hopefully fix the issue. I really like the idea of the ARC mags, but I think the final details got rushed a bit.

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