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I will go off of what I have shot. I know there are a lot of others out there that maybe better but these are the one I have used.
1 HK
2 Sig
3 FN
4 Ruger
5 S&W
The 416 and MCX are good rifles but not technically "true" ARs, the tread is middle road.

so that in mind, in no particular order:
KAC, IWI, FN, LMT, DD, BCM, Sig, Seekins, JP, Noveske
I’ve always had good experiences with BCM and LaRue (pre price hike). I really like the rifles ADM offers and my ADM4 is my favorite AR now. PWS gets an honorable mention if you want something a little different.
Shame about that place, so much knowledge but run by openly bigoted assholes.

at least here I can ignore the bear pit and lowlight doesn't openly endorse infringing on a group's constitutional rights because he doesn't like them

I applaud Frank for allowing people to speak freely, but forums are private just like any business even if they are visible to the public and they are free to make their own rules and freedom of speech does not apply if they don't want it to. Just saying, but that aside barfcum is ran by douches.
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Those Seekins SP10 builders kits are sekzee... been eyeing them for a while!

They're also unobtanium. If you want one you should order one since it's about a year wait.

Personally I'd just buy a complete Seekins rifle and be done. You can't build one to the same level of quality for what they sell them for and you get super solid top tier rifle from a company that will stand behind it with great CS and will even rebarrel it for free when you shoot the barrel out. You also avoid all the fuckery with parts specs and trying to troubleshoot a large frame gasser assembling it yourself. Unless you want some weird combination or spec there's no reason not to just buy one off the shelf.
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Huh. Someone found the Wayback machine and I'm in a thread from the early 2010s. Cool.

V Seven
Daniel Defense
VKTR Industries looks promising
KAC, LMT (sort of they've recently has some QC issues), LWRC, Larue, Seekins, HK, Geissele, BCM, DD, Barrett, and Radian are all that I'd put in the top tier.

I was a fan of LMT but will not be getting any due to their QC.

I've had paint (anodizing dye) on their integrated upper falling off from just wiping off from bare hand, appears that the surface wasn't properly cleaned before anodizing. Sent back and they just put a layer of black permanent markers on the area.

Also had their AR-10 lower where there's visible unevenness in thickness on two sides of the trigger well, appears the casting may have problem so the raw material just wasn't thick enough (or that the casting wasn't properly centered when machined) on one side, contacted LMT and told it's normal.

Then there are small issues here and there, like the magazine release pocket tolerance issues, etc..
I applaud Frank for allowing people to speak freely, but forums are private just like any business even if they are visible to the public and they are free to make their own rules and freedom of speech does not apply if they don't want it to. Just saying, but that aside barfcum is ran by douches.
oh I’m not making any censorship argument, they can run it any way they like, but I’m also going to adblock the snot out of it and only use it when needing info I can’t find anywhere else. Choices beget consequences, etc.

I just find it abhorrent that anyone who truly understands the bill of rights would want to deprive anyone of them for any reason. This country was founded on the ability to disagree with someone but still respect they had rights.

edit: On thread topic: Personally I think each of the companies we’re listing do good standalone rifles, but are best when doing a composite build using parts each specialize in

Example I’ve been slowly piecing together a Block II-ish M4A1 style build, using parts from KAC for the extension/bolt, JP for the buffer, FN for the barrel, DD for the handguard, etc
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Knight's Armament
LMT (QC reports are troubling, and I have several)
Centurion Arms
Daniel Defense
LaRue (Recent price increases hurt, but triggers and Stealth 2.0 stripped uppers are top-tier value)
V7 / Dark Hour Defense (Outstanding and ultra light-weight, I disagree with picatinny cutouts for mounting surfaces)
Sons of Liberty

Honorable mentions to Geissele, JP,ADM, Radian,
(1) JP
(3) KAC
(4) GAP
(6) HK
(7) FN
(10) BCM
What experiences with full builds from Radian prompts you to rate them where you did?

Please comment on number of samples, accuracy, reliability, quality of components, especially their barrels.

I like & use their components when I can get them but have no real exposure to their full built rifles & they've been pretty much unobtanium for the last few years.

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That’s pretty much spot on but I think LaRues recent work is not to level of five years ago

I’ve only got a sample size of two but I bought two of the MGU’s like 1.5 year ago and they’re both excellent. The machining and receiver/rail alignment is absolutely perfect and they’re both absolute hammers. I bought them at the $750 introductory price too and when I ordered the first one I was thinking WTF is going to be wrong with this thing and that they must be a blem batch or something. I have some friends that bought them too and have had the same experience.

I’d even say they’re worth the current price tag overall, but I wouldn’t pay that for one. I recently bought two Seekins DMR’s and only paid like $200 more for a complete rifle with billet lower, a nice stock, and a TT trigger than what they want for those uppers now. They want $2500 for a complete small frame rifle which I think is way overpriced since they’re basically wanting $1200 for a lower at that point that they were just selling for $200.

Question should be "Which AR roll mark should I pay more for?"

If you can’t see that there are significant quality and product differences between manufacturers and they’re not all the same shit stamped with a different logo then you’re really fucking naive.
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A special thanks to all those who show up to training classes with self built and/or low cost ARs- and then proceed to have function problems and throw the class flow off because the instructors are trying to solve their function issues. That's always fun.
A special thanks to all those who show up to training classes with self built and/or low cost ARs- and then proceed to have function problems and throw the class flow off because the instructors are trying to solve their function issues. That's always fun.

They’re just giving everyone a break from that class they spent thousands of dollars to attend. They’re the real MVP’s.
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Built an AR 15, 30RAR out of scrap parts including a 26" Remington factory Varmint 308 win barrel with 8000 rds on it. Cut out the old 308 win chamber, eliminating most if the firecracking, shortened the barrel, thread for used barrel extension, then chamber, even made a special gas block from an old used one. Made it out if junk parts including a roughing die for the brass, a chamber gauge. Then determine the gas length I wanted ...put it all together. And it shoots great, total cost of the 30RAR was like $342 for a fantastic shooting AR 15, it really likes the 155 Lapua's same as it did when it was a 308 Win 26" barrrel and a very accurate for factory rife, that I used 28 yrs ago to 1400yds. Then started rebarreling all my own rifles, ever since. So ya don't have to spend alot of money on expensive components to get a good shooter...but it sure helps to do so...this is an example of using a single barrel for 16,000 rds or more when I'm done with it...and it's was hammer forged at the Remington factory dang near 30 yrs ago. Learn to do your machining and spend a hundred thousand on tools & tooling, or more and you can do the same. Plus it's alot of fun, and no waiting. Save all the take off barrels, and used parts .... rework them into a cheap build and see what ya get. It may out shoot a AR costing thousands...ya never know.


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I don't know the definition of a "top" AR manufacturer. I guess which one shoots the best.

I have an entry level Aero Precision M4 style I paid $500 for new.

I don't have suitable optics on it where groups would mean something. I do have ES and SD results FWIW.

Handload with bulk Hornady 55 FMJBT, 26.9/Tac, Rem 7 1/2 and R-P brass.

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The lower and upper receiver brand is what people look at but as long as to specs is not a big deal. But if I want to build I want the best brand I can afford on these because it’s not iffy if they are to spec or not
The barrel
BCG and internals are where the quality shows
Buy the best you can afford

Certainly your ballistic advantage barrel may shoot well but if you plan to defend yourself wouldn’t you prefer something that shoots better and for longer

Your bolt carrier assembly is the heart do get one built of the best materials with all the testing so it does not break when you need it

Trigger get a good field ready trigger like Geissle not the lightest chesp trigger that will fail

I am an instructor who constantly see these do it yourself builds fail because they used parts folks say “ Are just as good”

Then they wonder why the guy next to them is hitting at farther distances and just has to feed the weapon ammo to keep it running

Lastly get good optics. This Amazon crap screws up in classes all the time. If it can’t get through an eight hour class it should be a paperweight
What experiences with full builds from Radian prompts you to rate them where you did?

Please comment on number of samples, accuracy, reliability, quality of components, especially their barrels.

I like & use their components when I can get them but have no real exposure to their full built rifles & they've been pretty much unobtanium for the last few years.


I haven't put enough rounds down one yet to fully answer your questions. From what I've personally experienced (3) different rifles, accuracy is easily .5-.75 MOA all day with 77gr match ammo, reliability was 100% and the quality of their parts is as good as it gets. The model 1 shoots smoother than the SR15 and is also $1,500-$2,000 cheaper on any given day.

Gurand Thumb has definitely put his through it's paces. You won't meet another man that's put more rounds down a Model 1 than Mike, I believe he's got over 15,000 through his.
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