Looking for opinions on everyone's favorite bullet for 308
I used to run berger VLD and hornady ELD 168s in my old savage 110, hornady was slightly more consistent while berger grouped tighter.
Currently developing 168 berger VLDs for my new rifle (pgw action IBI barrel 22" 1-10 twist) from the research I've done the favorites across the board seem to be
175/178gr hornady ELD or Sierra match kings
Can't find any SMK locally so I bought some 178 hornady ELDs to play with, curious about bergers 185gr juggernauts and 200.20x as well since the 200.20x have the highest BC I can find
Currently using IMR 4895 since varget is non existent anywhere
Just looking for general input
thanks all
I used to run berger VLD and hornady ELD 168s in my old savage 110, hornady was slightly more consistent while berger grouped tighter.
Currently developing 168 berger VLDs for my new rifle (pgw action IBI barrel 22" 1-10 twist) from the research I've done the favorites across the board seem to be
175/178gr hornady ELD or Sierra match kings
Can't find any SMK locally so I bought some 178 hornady ELDs to play with, curious about bergers 185gr juggernauts and 200.20x as well since the 200.20x have the highest BC I can find
Currently using IMR 4895 since varget is non existent anywhere
Just looking for general input