Best Die Sets for 300NM or "Non-Mainstream" Dies worth looking at


Full Member
May 19, 2023
Well, as the title says. I'm wondering if there are any die sets worth looking at outside of like Redding Competition or RCBS. I'm looking into getting a Micrometer die setup, but I don't know what I don't know. So I'm just wondering if there are brands/names that are worth searching for the 300NM world that wouldn't necessarily come up in a standard internet search or just me typing in 300NM dies in the search function here. I have searched but I've just seen the kind of standard names, and I've looked at the big reloading websites and just seen the same mainstream dies. 😅

I'm fine with using "mainstream dies," obviously they work great which is why they're mainstream, just wondering if there is anything else I should look at before I pull the trigger! Thank you!! :)
So is Whidden just the way to go?

I use Whidden for my 300 PRC and 6 BRA. I like their products and they're very consistent. They will also make custom dies - ordered a couple of those. I use an LE Wilson for my 308 and like it a lot as well (I like all their gear quite a bit).

I've had my share of mainstream dies - done with those.