Yes, Atilla is the titties and I still kick myself for missing out on the rare chance to score one of those bad boys. Nothing like 0-200mW adj. power for both laser and illum.! Thing is as weak as a PAC4 and as powerful as an IZLID! They still pop up from time to time but not too often.
If the tape switch is shit, I just rewire it, I don't live with it. BTW, that dual switch you guys sell is the best damn dual switch out there IMO. Thanks for making one that works w/all mounts and is well thought out. Anyway, if you can solder and rewire a LEMO connector for an IZLID, you can rewire anything. IZLID was another with a crappy switch IMO.
ITT and thinking caps... Funny you said that. In 2004 my unit deployed with ITT PVS14's and the damn J arm kept breaking. To the point they'd exhausted the supply plus the entire amount scheduled for the next year --so there were no more. They were using duct tape. I was stuck at home like the nerd in "Nerds 2: Nerds in Paradise" where my buddy is calling me for help from Iraq and I'm stuck here. I call ITT and talk to an engineer to see what I could scrounge up, figuring I could beg for a box of 'em, but the guy I talked to said he NEVER once had been told there was a problem with the J arms. I gave him a very complete picture and some forwarded emails from Iraq and he changed the material used to make 'em so they'd bend before breaking. They used to be designed to break so it wouldn't damage the 14 but I told him we almost never damaged those anyway. New ones were sent to me and then I had to figure out how to get around the State Dept. in order to get restricted items into Iraq (no laws were broken for you bottom feeders looking for a mark, they went out in the unit mail). So you're welcome all. Funny, not one soldier took it upon himself to call ITT, just not in the nature of a soldier I guess.
Never thought to call 'em about the lasers though and beg for adj. dials!