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Gunsmithing Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08


Apr 12, 2011
I am building a custom 7mm-08 that I will be using for 800-1000yd target shooting (paper). I will be handloading ammo and I am a small built guy. I find the kick is not bad but I still flinch when I expect the fire. I know more gun time will help this but I still am going to put a muzzle brake on the gun. I found one that I like. This isnt only for recoil. I also do like the "tactiCOOL" look of the brakes. Noise doesnt bother me nor the fellow shooters as I shoot on my own farm. There is one that has rear ports that I like. Also dust kick up is NOT and issue. This being said what would you recommend?

here is one I like the looks of...does anyone know what it is?
Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

Look, if you think you need a brake, you need a brake. Looks are optional; and I promise not to laugh.

If you find the brake makes a significant and necessary difference, then I'd seriously suggest your not exploring chamberings bigger than the .308's case capacity.

The advice of others is well meant; but they are shooting their rifles, and you are shooting yours. Not the same thing.

Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

How small built are you?? Or should I ask how light is your rifle? I had a 7mm-08 at one time that weighed 9 pounds, it hardly recoiled at all. Just saying, you might want to build the rifle and shoot it first and see if you actually need a brake or not.
Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

I'm getting a brake put on my rifle but it's not for recoil to the rear it's to keep the muzzle down so I can spot my own shots. Relying on a spotter that may or may not know what they are doing is not something you want to do in a competition. I'm getting a Harrel's brake installed for that very reason.


Tom is putting it on at www.thundervalleyprecision.com

Good luck,
Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KNIGHT11B4</div><div class="ubbcode-body">"Brake" not "Break"

A "Muzzle Break" would be a very bad thing.

I like the Badger Thruster and FTE. </div></div>

Can't really blame him the r-tards on SGC spelled it that way..
Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

Probably shouldn't be shooting much more than a 223 if the recoil of a 7mm-08 is causing you to flinch...

But to each his own, trigger time is trigger time. Just make sure you're practicing the fundamentals every shot and follow through. The pic you posted isn't going to get you anywhere though buddy, the Little Bastard brake is one of my favorites. Look at it and some other ones mentioned here and make an informed decision. Just because you feel the one you posted looks cool doesn't mean it will do what you want it to. Looks don't mean shit without functionality.

Good luck,
Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

A brake may not help with the flinching as much as you think. The diverting of gas and shockwave to the rear and sides of the muzzle will be felt on your face and eyelashes. This can cause an uncotrollable flinch in itself. Our faces are very sensitive to things touching them and a recoil reaction is natural reflex.
I have never noticed the rifle really staying on target better with a brake either. The rearward recoil is reduced, but the recoil impulse is noticeably longer and more difficult to controll for me. This is especially noticeable at short range targets with .308 class rounds. With no brake I see the scope image jump very quickly but stop in time to see impacts at 100yds. With a brake the bullet is on the target before the recoil impulse and scope image stops moving.
Building the rifle to be heavier and using a well designed stock is a very effective way to reduce recoil, especially in a dedicated target rifle.
A suppressor is also very effective at reducing recoil and limiting the shockwave which is felt by your face.
Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

There are many brakes available in todays market. Ross here on the hide makes one that's $40, yeah you can spend alot more for a name but his works well and IMHO is money well spent.

Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

IMHO, flinch is s product of faulty trigger manipulation and/or poor hearing protection. Work on getting both to work better; then see if you need the brake so much.

If the flinch issue is sound-related, a brake is just as likely to worsen the problem as it might be to improve it; and adjacent shooters won't enjoy it, either.

Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

Thanks for your input guys! I hand load all my ammo and it is firing a comparable round to a .308 with the 165g bullet. Thus I would say the recoil is about the same. Also the recoil is not a problem if shooting 10 rounds at a time but I am a long distance comp. shooter(rookie) and fire around 40-60 rounds in one sitting. This takes a toll on my shoulder! Im 21 years old and weigh 115. I am looking for something that reduces recoil as well as muzzle jump. Should it be removable or not? Does it effect your accuracy? It feels as though it would have to. Thanks!
Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: J.S.T. Glenn</div><div class="ubbcode-body">A brake may not help with the flinching as much as you think. <span style="color: #CC0000">The diverting of gas and shockwave to the rear and sides of the muzzle will be felt on your face and eyelashes. This can cause an uncotrollable flinch in itself. Our faces are very sensitive to things touching them and a recoil reaction is natural reflex.</span> I have never noticed the rifle really staying on target better with a brake either. The rearward recoil is reduced, but the recoil impulse is noticeably longer and more difficult to controll for me. This is especially noticeable at short range targets with .308 class rounds. With no brake I see the scope image jump very quickly but stop in time to see impacts at 100yds. With a brake the bullet is on the target before the recoil impulse and scope image stops moving.
Building the rifle to be heavier and using a well designed stock is a very effective way to reduce recoil, especially in a dedicated target rifle.
A suppressor is also very effective at reducing recoil and limiting the shockwave which is felt by your face.


That is true and why the Muscle brake is so popular, it eliminates the concusion to the shooter, no backblast at all. These brakes are designed NOT to be turned down or the effect will be altered.


I would suggest the mini slabbed on a 7mm 08
Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08


Harrel brake installed by Tom Sarver at TVP. With the 7mm-08 running a 162 amax at 2700fps I can watch impacts on target at 200 yards and out with no muzzle climb. It feels like a 22 on steriods (which I could care less on I am only interested in muzzle climb). It helps with accuracy only on follow up shots. I no longer need a spotter for competitions which helped me go from middle of the pack to top 5-10% of the pack this past sunday at my first competition while shooting it with the brake. Mine is threaded on and removable. The only reason I will take mine off from now on is cleaning and if I ever purchase a silencer.

Good luck,
Re: Best Muzzle Break for 7mm-08

Man I am so tired of hearing from the "studs" on here that brakes are for pussies. The picture of the brake posted on the first post is not GAY. It looks pretty effective to me.

Seriously, I came to really value a muzzle brake when I shot a friends .22-250. It wasn't that the muzzle was flipping up so bad I couldn't handle it or the recoil was so bad I hurt my shoulder. It was because, with minimal effort, I could watch the trace of the bullet and the impact! I then owned an AR-30 in .300 Win Mag. that I could do the same thing with. The muzzle brake in the first pic is not gay and no one need laugh. If it's effective shoot it. And enjoy the fact you aren't all over the place trying to watch your bullet path and strike.