Best Online Suppressor Shops? Capitol Armory, Silencer Shop, Central etc.


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Sep 29, 2020
East Coast, USA
Looking to pick up my first can (rimfire). Some of the local shops want to charge $100 for a transfer and looking online it seems like there's some decent options from places like Capitol Armory, Silencer Shop, Silencer Central etc. Any cons to just ordering from one of them online? Any shop preferences or things I should have in mind?

Also, any good reason not to dump it into a trust while I'm at it?
I've always used Silencer Shop... Never an issue. I don't trust that Silencer Central shit... Too much mail theft out there. I hear good things about Capital, just never used them. Black Ankle Munitions is good to go. Bauer Precision is good to go. @HansohnBrothers is good to go, and has an account on here.
Silencer shop makes it super easy and their market pennatration means dealers are everywhere. You can also run non silencer shop cans through their system( as store inventory) and get the benefit of their system without being tied to their in stock inventory. $ 100 transfer is cheap when you are getting a can $400 off or using a 50% off cert.
Have only used Silencershop, no problems. Individuals, no trusts. Recommend.

OP you may want to double check with your FFL in regards to fees. If they are a Silencershop affiliate I *believe* (could be wrong) there should be no fee when purchased thru silencershop directly. Least ways I've had zero transfer fees purchased that way.

When I bought one from a manufacturer directly, because silencershop didn't have them back in stock, there was a transfer fee. $50 IIRC. Bought the stamp from silencershop online, and they/my FFL did the e-form. Pretty smooth transaction. Would *likely* be the same/similar if my FFL had one in store & I bought it (transfer fee & smooth transaction).

Note: our FFL has a Silencershop kiosk, so that made it pretty easy to set up a Silencershop account.

No idea on if you do not have reasonably easy access to a kiosk, how that might affect things...

Edit, adding: Trusts, may flip ours over to one sometime in the future. Yah I know $200ea. + Trust $. Wanted them ASAP due to the supposed rapid individual approvals, so went that route. Were all pretty quick. Had/still have concerns over an administration "slowing things" back down again. YMMV.
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If they are a SS affiliate and you are buying an “in stock” can (one in that store’s physical inventory) there shouldn’t be any transfer fee. But, if you have a can shipped to a SS affiliate via SS, expect to pay a transfer fee.

This has been my experience.
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I used silencer central

Had a really great slipstreamed experience

They provide all the paper work and set up including all the local sheriff/ police office Info and etc on all forms

Digital signatures

After approval I had to fill out a 4473. And fat finger pusher the wrong button…. They caught that,… and asked me to re do the form and recommended I go slow and be sure I didn’t miss anything
Walked me through from the start to the end
The suppressor gets shipped to me…. Directly
I've always used Silencer Shop... Never an issue. I don't trust that Silencer Central shit... Too much mail theft out there. I hear good things about Capital, just never used them. Black Ankle Munitions is good to go. Bauer Precision is good to go. @HansohnBrothers is good to go, and has an account on here.
Have used Central. Had to get USPIS involved, but the issue was very quickly resolved after I did that. Not Central's fault, problem was between in-state dealer and USPS. Would recommend Central in terms of purely the purchasing and permitting process.
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If they are a SS affiliate and you are buying an “in stock” can (one in that store’s physical inventory) there shouldn’t be any transfer fee. But, if you have a can shipped to a SS affiliate via SS, expect to pay a transfer fee.

This has been my experience.
Then you're getting screwed by the dealer... Typically if they're a SS dealer, and you buy a can through SS and have it shipped to them, there should be no FFL transfer fee for the customer, unless the dealer is greedy. Because the dealer has already gotten paid their cut for the sale. So, if they're charging a SS sale customer a transfer fee, they're double-dipping just because they can. Kind of fucked up, but a lot of folks don't know you're not supposed to pay a fee if the can was bought through SS and shipped to your local dealer.
If they are a SS affiliate and you are buying an “in stock” can (one in that store’s physical inventory) there shouldn’t be any transfer fee. But, if you have a can shipped to a SS affiliate via SS, expect to pay a transfer fee.

This has been my experience.

Tell that to SS. That shouldn't happen and I'm 99% sure it's not allowed. Get reimbursement
Have used Capitol Armory, good experiences. My go to has been Hansohn Brothers though. Great prices, service and they've always done what the said, when they said. (Not to say that Capitol didn't. Like I said, I've been very happy with them too).
I began a purchase with Silencer Central and within hours (after reading some alarming reviews online) called back to cancel the order and was told it was not possible to cancel the order and I would still be charged and refunded with a Silencer Central Gift Card. They are true to their word on that point at least...months later they are still attempting to charge my account.

Silencer Central provided no service or product but are repeatedly attempting (blocked of course) to use my financial information despite being told specifically that my permission to do so was revoked. They also kept the initial deposit.

This was my first foray into purchasing a silencer and as I feel the experience was very poor I have not tried any of the alternatives. All I can say is in years of interacting with firearms dealers, manufacturers, and independent sellers I have never found anyone to be less professional or more predatory than Silencer Central.

Also to be fair, if you weren't concerned about the horrid reviews maybe Silencer Central does a fine job. Maybe their products and services are excellent as long as there is no issue.

All I know for sure is once they have your information any semblance of kindness or professionalism disappears. My recommendation is any company except Silencer Central.
Like I said...maybe they ARE awesome IF you simply pay your money and wait for the product...or perhaps they are awesome 99.9% of the time and I am just the unlucky dolt in the .01%.

But to be clear Silencer Central just pinged my bank account for nearly $500 (again...blocked) after being told to cancel the order less than 10 hours after it was made and nearly 2 months ago. The receipt they sent says they are going to attempt again next month the same amount. AND they kept the initial amount paid.

I am not trying to say they are unprofessional in any instance but my particular one but in my instance they were indeed terrible. Their reviews reflect the same: Either 5 stars (for those who paid and waited) or 1 star (for those who had an issue that needed to be resolved). They do not come off as a "work with the client" sort of company.

If I were going to equate the experience with anything it felt like arguing with my exwife (seriously). They weren't going to budge on drafting the full amount from my account and when I threatened legal action they replied with "you're just angry have a nice day" and hung up. Zero resolution. Zero compromise. I even told them to keep the initial amount but no more charges...they wouldn't even do that. They are still attempting to use my financial information against my wishes. VERY much like my ex haha!
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Tell that to SS. That shouldn't happen and I'm 99% sure it's not allowed. Get reimbursement
Was in PA's "showroom" last week and saw a sign that said "$40 firearm transfer fee, $95 NFA transfer fee." Fuck that. I'll be shopping elsewhere from now on. I really liked PA, but their showroom service sucks, and I'm not paying their extortion fee for a transfer. If I'm going to pay shipping (to avoid the shitty PA in person service) I can shop anywhere.
Like I said...maybe they ARE awesome IF you simply pay your money and wait for the product...or perhaps they are awesome 99.9% of the time and I am just the unlucky dolt in the .01%.

But to be clear Silencer Central just pinged my bank account for nearly $500 (again...blocked) after being told to cancel the order less than 10 hours after it was made and nearly 2 months ago. The receipt they sent says they are going to attempt again next month the same amount. AND they kept the initial amount paid.

I am not trying to say they are unprofessional in any instance but my particular one but in my instance they were indeed terrible. Their reviews reflect the same: Either 5 stars (for those who paid and waited) or 1 star (for those who had an issue that needed to be resolved). They do not come off as a "work with the client" sort of company.

If I were going to equate the experience with anything it felt like arguing with my exwife (seriously). They weren't going to budge on drafting the full amount from my account and when I threatened legal action they replied with "you're just angry have a nice day" and hung up. Zero resolution. Zero compromise. I even told them to keep the initial amount but no more charges...they wouldn't even do that. They are still attempting to use my financial information against my wishes. VERY much like my ex haha!
I’m thinking that if you had EZ pay? It is likely just set up with an outside vendor to take payments

And silencer central

May not have the ability to stop that ball once it is rolling

Not sure

Can’t speak for them

But I’ve had that happen with other “over time payment systems “
By continuing to post a refutal you are indeed speaking for them despite claiming that you cannot. You did not witness any of the interaction and yet are giving reasons why they might somehow be justified in pinging my account without my permission.

I understand and am happy that you (and many others) had a good experience with Silencer Central. I (and many others) had a terrible experience with Silencer Central (which as I already said is reflected in the wide range of 5 to 1 star reviews). I ask you to understand that both of those things can be true and there is no mystery that needs to be solved by continuing to post about it.

I will however ask you...if you were in my shoes, not having received any product or service and being told that despite that lack all the money was still going to be charged but you would get 25% back in a card that can only be used only at the company that just took all the money, would you really just say "well maybe they had no choice" or would you be angry and disappointed at the lack of customer service?

I chose to respond here in this thread because I had a genuinely bad experience with one of the companies being discussed...not to ask for a solution or to be told I was in the wrong. Both my bank (who is seeing Silencer Central repeatedly try to access my account without permission) and my lawyer (who reviewed the phone recording) have told me I am completely in the right.
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By continuing to post a refutal you are indeed speaking for them despite claiming that you cannot. You did not witness any of the interaction and yet are giving reasons why they might somehow be justified in pinging my account without my permission.

I understand and am happy that you (and many others) had a good experience with Silencer Central. I (and many others) had a terrible experience with Silencer Central (which as I already said is reflected in the wide range of 5 to 1 star reviews). I ask you to understand that both of those things can be true and there is no mystery that needs to be solved by continuing to post about it.

I will however ask you...if you were in my shoes, not having received any product or service and being told that despite that lack all the money was still going to be charged but you would get 25% back in a card that can only be used only at the company that just took all the money, would you really just say "well maybe they had no choice" or would you be angry and disappointed at the lack of customer service?

I chose to respond here in this thread because I had a genuinely bad experience with one of the companies being discussed...not to ask for a solution or to be told I was in the wrong. Both my bank (who is seeing Silencer Central repeatedly try to access my account without permission) and my lawyer (who reviewed the phone recording) have told me I am completely in the right.
I am sad that you did

I am wondering why they had such a failure on customer service

I have been able to txt the salesperson at my leisure and get fast and personal responses back and have questions answered very quickly

My thinking

Is send a link to this forum

And see if they can remedy your stressful situation

As these days go
And how sound bites and etc work

A single bad experience made public requires at least 10 positive experience made public to remedy and even then? Probably wouldnt

I just simply posted my thoughts and opinions as per a counter factual/ anecdotal experience with said company