I've been hunting, shooting, and owning guns my entire life, and while I understood the NFA process it was just such a daunting and overburdened task having to go get fingerprints, deal with your local CLEO, get their approval, mail everything off, take forever to get there, etc... Just a big hassle. Literally, the ONLY good thing to come about from Obama's presidency was the removal of the CLEO signature, which allowed the Silencer Shop Kiosk to be born, and between it, and their digital one-shot trusts, and online tax stamp purchase, it has oversimplified this process to the point of it no longer being an anxiety-ridden process of excessive hassle, like it was before.
Now if we can just get the NFA repealed entirely, or have suppressors and SBR's removed from the registry, then maybe this country could be a much better place. With our government, it's not so much about regulating suppressors and SBR's, as it is, their greediness wanting the tax revenue generated from them. Sure, they DO want them regulated, but they're more interested in the money...It allows them to grow, which allows them more opportunities to infringe on our rights (sort of like the pistol brace crap we all just had to deal with, and the bumpstocks before that). That's why the U.S. gov't will never allow us to live regulatory-free when it comes to suppressors and SBR/SBS/AOW's, until the whole NFA is repealed, or the ATF dissolved and disbanded for Constitutional and civil violations of the American people.