Best precision suppressor


Apr 25, 2011
Interested in which suppressor would effect accuracy of the host gun the least (chunk of metal hanging off the muzzle changing harmonics and whatnot)?

Calibers would be 6.5cm up to 300 norma mag. I’ve tried a gemtech quicksand and groups went to hell.

Looking hard at a TBAC ultra 7 in 30cal to cover most calibers.
With a good one accuracy won’t change at all, you’ll likely shoot better with it. Point of impact likely will change but the good ones it’s repeatable.

TBAC is the standard. My Gen1 Ultra 7 supresses my 300NM better than I expected, but the Magnus sounds 👌.

An Ultra 7 is a great starter can for precision rifle work. Mines been on 17HMR, 223Rem, 6.5Creed, .308Win, 300NM with great success.
TBAC for sure. What size will be dependent on which gun(s) it will be on most of the time.

It it’s living on the 6.5 and pulling 300 duty every once in a while, Magnus, Dominus, or Ultra 9 would be fine choices.

If it’s living on the big bois and pulling 6.5 duty every once in a while, 338 Ultra will be your best bet.
I think that the suppressor affects the shooter (in a positive way) more than the rifle it self.

I shoot much better with a suppressed rifle, and dont get me started on muzzle brakes, I hate them.
So as long as you have a quality suppressor, that mounts securely to your rifle, it will always be a positive for your shooting.

I had one suppressor that gave up on me, and I started getting baffelstrikes, it took me a while to figure out what was going on, but as soon as I did, the suppressor was replaced and me and the rifle (a Sako TRG) shot as good as can be expected again.