Not that I've noticed. Mirage/air quality is the big issue, and magnification does not help with that. I've got as far a setting up the 10" Meade with an inverting prism and it's not a huge improvement over my 80mm Pentax (though it is killer when setup with night vision).
Spotting at ELR ranges is more dependent on the backdrop, bullet weight/velocity and bullet type than it is on the scope itself. Small solids at low impact velocities on a plate surrounded by vegetation or wet earth are pretty much invisible. Hell, even if you hit the plate you may see nothing at all.
Large diameter, heavy bullets, especially of conventional construction, used with a dusty clear backdrop, a free hanging plate with a hit indicator make 7x binos usable for spotting at 2k meters. We use three section plate setups so they are light enough to move when hit, Magnetospeed hit indicators and then drag big circles around the target area when we do the XLR class and that works even with the smaller .30 cals.