Best Tripod Ballheads for 2020


Dec 27, 2018
Looking for suggestions on Best Ballheads for Tripods in. First time purchasing one and rather not regret it. I know RRS is one of the best but I am looking for the best functionality, durability in a price range of $200-$450. I am that guy that rather buy it once and be set. it will be for hunting and precision shooting both. Arca equipped. I already have hog saddle and their tripod. I know its not the holy grail tripod but it works great for me and a great bargain in my opinion.

Help me out guys and let me know what to stay away from and key features to look for. I have noticed many are rated for well over 100lbs and some that look beefier are rated for 10lbs or

I would prefer something somewhat low profile and full range of motion for when I do drop the tripod for a high prone position.

And yes I used the search but all I find is what people seem to be selling instead of info on actual ballheads. Google not very informative as it usually directs you to camera rated ballheads.
seems to have all the features needed. any negatives with this ballhead?

I still think the Anvil-30 is the best all around ballhead on the market. Super solid lockup, intuitive controls, and the ability to run dovetail stuff as well as picatinny has been beneficial for me. I've used it just as much with binos/spotters as I have with a gun, and its great for that too.
RRS BH25 is among the best ball heads. I have not been able to find another as smooth. Regarding the Anvil 30; there’re great for shooting not as good as the BH25 for glassing. I own both for their respective rolls.
RRS makes amazing products, and considered the gold standard with the precision rifle shooting community. Hard to go wrong with an RRS.

I'm going to a wild card into the mix. A ballhead that has a feature that no other ballhead does, that's really handy for precision shooting.

Check out the Uniqball UBH45. It's a gimbal ballhead. It has an outer and inner ballhead. You level and lockout the outer ballhead, and the inner ballhead can only move in the horizontal and vertical axis. There is absolutely no cant in the system. You can move the rifle from target to target, in 360° of motion moving the vertical plane to whichever degree you need, without introducing any cant into the system.

It's rated for ~88 lbs (it's stout and stable) and comes with an ARCA clamp. You can use it as a "regular" ballhead if you don't lock the outer ballhead out.

I have one, and think it's an excellent ballhead. It sits on top of an RRS tripod. The gimbal system is really cool, I love that it eliminates cant from the system.


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RRS makes amazing products, and considered the gold standard with the precision rifle shooting community. Hard to go wrong with an RRS.

I'm going to a wild card into the mix. A ballhead that has a feature that no other ballhead does, that's really handy for precision shooting.

Check out the Uniqball UBH45. It's a gimbal ballhead. It has an outer and inner ballhead. You level and lockout the outer ballhead, and the inner ballhead can only move in the horizontal and vertical axis. There is absolutely no cant in the system. You can move the rifle from target to target, in 360° of motion moving the vertical plane to whichever degree you need, without introducing any cant into the system.

It's rated for ~88 lbs (it's stout and stable) and comes with an ARCA clamp. You can use it as a "regular" ballhead if you don't lock the outer ballhead out.

I have one, and think it's an excellent ballhead. It sits on top of an RRS tripod. The gimbal system is really cool, I love that it eliminates cant from the system.

That looks really nice, can you adjust the tension on the ball so that you can shoot with it unlocked, but still have resistance? Or is it fully locked or unlocked?

Thanks,,,now it appears I might need to purchase one of those to give it a try. I really like gimbals!!!

OT: Now onto that needed haircut, lolol


The only thing I want to change, is to change out the OEM ARCA clamp for one that has a lever release clamp, like the RRS SC-LR.

The stock clamp is a knob/screw type clamp, which you turn to tighten down. It's slower then a lever release, and I believe lever release clamps do a better job of applying tension. I have found that the stock clamp can come loose under heavy recoil, I've noticed the clamp slips when shooting my .300NM rifle mounted to it.

I think I'm going to pony up for the RRS SC-LR and change it out.
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The only thing I want to change, is to change out the OEM ARCA clamp for one that has a lever release clamp, like the RRS SC-LR.

The stock clamp is a knob/screw type clamp, which you turn to tighten down. It's slower then a lever release, and I believe lever release clamps do a better job of applying tension. I have found that the stock clamp can come loose under heavy recoil, I've noticed the clamp slips when shooting my .300NM rifle mounted to it.

I think I'm going to pony up for the RRS SC-LR and change it out.

Nothing $$ can't fix..

Damn It, just remembered I need another barrel.. off to see Marc at Spartan today (really).. I think we should set-up mostly dry-fire stages at our next match, that should help save people some $$.. Just can't figure out how to score it... It's already bad enough with "come-on that was an edge hit" ;)
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Nothing $$ can't fix..

Damn It, just remembered I need another barrel.. off to see Marc at Spartan today (really).. I think we should set-up mostly dry-fire stages at our next match, that should help save people some $$.. Just can't figure out how to score it... It's already bad enough with "come-on that was an edge hit" ;)

Thankfully I have a store credit with RRS that's going to make it sting a lot less!
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