Biden Boasts of Recent Talk with French President Who Died in 1996


Full Member
Feb 25, 2017

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - DECEMBER 8: U.S. President Biden greets workers during his remarks on how his Investing in America Agenda is advancing his vision for world-class infrastructure across the country at the Carpenters International Training Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States on December 8, 2023. (Photo by Tayfun …

President Joe Biden on Sunday appeared to confuse French President Emmanuel Macron with his late predecessor Francois Mitterrand who died in 1996.
The historical stumble came during a campaign speech in Las Vegas, where the octogenarian was recounting meeting leaders of G7 countries in 2021 in Cornwall, England. During the address to supporters, Biden mentioned speaking to the two-term (1981–95) French leader, confusing him for Macron.
”It was in the south of England. And I sat down and I said, ‘America is back,’ and Mitterrand from Germany, I mean from France, looked at me and said – said, “you know what — why — how long you back for?”
”And I looked at him, and the — and the chancellor of Germany said, ‘What would you say, Mr. President, if you picked up the paper tomorrow in the London Times and the London Times said, ‘A thousand people break through the House of Commons, break down the doors, two Bobbies are killed to stop the election of a prime minister. What would you say?”
”I never thought about it from that perspective. What would we say if that happened in another democracy around the world?” he continued.
The White House later posted the remarks, which had the name Mitterrand excised and replaced with Macron.
Mitterrand, who was France’s president from 1981 to 1995, died in 1996 at the age of 79.


LAS VEGAS, NEVADA - DECEMBER 8: U.S. President Biden greets workers during his remarks on how his Investing in America Agenda is advancing his vision for world-class infrastructure across the country at the Carpenters International Training Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States on December 8, 2023. (Photo by Tayfun …

President Joe Biden on Sunday appeared to confuse French President Emmanuel Macron with his late predecessor Francois Mitterrand who died in 1996.
The historical stumble came during a campaign speech in Las Vegas, where the octogenarian was recounting meeting leaders of G7 countries in 2021 in Cornwall, England. During the address to supporters, Biden mentioned speaking to the two-term (1981–95) French leader, confusing him for Macron.
”It was in the south of England. And I sat down and I said, ‘America is back,’ and Mitterrand from Germany, I mean from France, looked at me and said – said, “you know what — why — how long you back for?”
”And I looked at him, and the — and the chancellor of Germany said, ‘What would you say, Mr. President, if you picked up the paper tomorrow in the London Times and the London Times said, ‘A thousand people break through the House of Commons, break down the doors, two Bobbies are killed to stop the election of a prime minister. What would you say?”
”I never thought about it from that perspective. What would we say if that happened in another democracy around the world?” he continued.
The White House later posted the remarks, which had the name Mitterrand excised and replaced with Macron.
Mitterrand, who was France’s president from 1981 to 1995, died in 1996 at the age of 79.

Well Understated!!!!
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Just listened to the Tucker Carlson/Putin talk in which Putin started with a succinct 2 minute history of Russia and Ukrainian-Russian relations since the 1600s. If Pedopeter had to do the same for the US it would be "well you know the thing".
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My mother is 84yr old and she can carry on a intelligent conversation on just about any subject , but that moron needs to be in a nursing home.and she votes republican and refused to get the jab , so she's already smarter than most 84yr olds.
No doubt, the guy has lost his mind. But what really scares me is the people who voted for him and the people who will vote for him in 2024...