Biden on Mt Rushmore

I always knew that politics was just a bunch of money stealing pimps and whores who staged political theater for our sake. Instances like this just reinforce that belief. Things they do and say like this just to get a rise or reaction from the people is priceless. Here we have a broken down alky who for 40 years did nothing but insider trade stocks and enrich her family all the while destroying what was once a beautiful district she oversaw in San Fransico. She is now making the case that a broken down senile pedo who for 50 years did nothing but enrich himself and his family should be on Mt.Rushmore. They just have to be trying to goad us into rebellion but its gonna take a bit more than their political theater.
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Nancy Pelosi suggests that Biden should be on Mt Rushmore because he is such a consequential President. Why is this alcoholic cunt still opening her hole?

Consequential for what, destroying the USA? Proving you can’t pull 20 people at a rally yet get more votes than anyone in history? I’m sure I could add to the list ……..

I was thinking more along the lines of his face being printed on rolls of TP, not Mt. Rushmore.
Maybe on THIS side.

Not going to fit. After the next one I think they'll be out of room. You can see, on the right, where the hair will go.


Thank you,
Nancy Pelosi suggests that Biden should be on Mt Rushmore because he is such a consequential President. Why is this alcoholic cunt still opening her hole?
I saw the interview where she said that and suddenly it hit me - they have a chance at stealing back the House in Nov. and SHE will be Speaker again!