Biden Tearfully Gives Queen One Final Sniff


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Feb 25, 2017

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WESTMINISTER ABBEY — President Joe Biden has flown across the Atlantic Ocean to pay his final respects to Queen Elizabeth the II and give her one last good sniff.
According to sources, with hundreds of world leaders and dignitaries gathered around for the Queen's grand state funeral, President Joe Biden got up unannounced and made his way straight for the Queen's casket.
"Goodbye, Queen Elizabeth. I'll never forget you or your royal scent," said President Joe Biden with a great, and powerful sniff while leaning down into the Queen's casket. "Ahhh, even better than ol' Joey remembered."
The Royal Family was too shocked by what just occurred to speak up or intervene. The room observed another 2 minutes of silence as President Biden then fumbled his way back in an unsuccessful search for where he was seated. Sources say he sniffed 3 more women on his way back to his seat before aides grabbed him and ushered him out of the building.
At publishing time, the entire Biden family was officially banned from ever setting foot into the United Kingdom after "The Sniff Heard Around The World".
Lol, I love everything about the Babylon Bee

Back in the late 90s and early 2000s we had Mad Magazine, remember that one? I just cannot get enough of it and every new issue that came out was absolute delight for me. They were the original memers who mastered the art of utter savagery and no holds barred ridicule. Mad Magazine and South Park. If anybody in our circle of friends didn't like them, we be like "Aye yo... You aight today bro? You ain't fallen off your dirt bike and hit yo' head earlier, right? Just makin' sure..."
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Back in the late 90s and early 2000s we had Mad Magazine, remember that one? I just cannot get enough of it and every new issue that came out was absolute delight for me. They were the original memers who mastered the art of utter savagery and no holds barred ridicule. Mad Magazine and South Park. If anybody in our circle of friends didn't like them, we be like "Aye yo... You aight today bro? You ain't fallen off your dirt bike and hit yo' head earlier, right? Just makin' sure..."

I miss those folding thing on the back page. 😃
Back in the late 90s and early 2000s we had Mad Magazine, remember that one? I just cannot get enough of it and every new issue that came out was absolute delight for me. They were the original memers who mastered the art of utter savagery and no holds barred ridicule. Mad Magazine and South Park. If anybody in our circle of friends didn't like them, we be like "Aye yo... You aight today bro? You ain't fallen off your dirt bike and hit yo' head earlier, right? Just makin' sure..."
I didn’t get into Mad magazine but I was definitely in the South Park crowd