Bino feedback needed. Kahles vs Meo star vs swarovski slc vs ?


Full Member
Nov 20, 2012
Northern CA
I have been looking for a pair of binos in the 10x42 HD's in the range ofabout $1,000-$1500 and I have seen good reviews of the Swarovski's but they are on the high end of my range. Anyone have experience with the Meo stars? Kahles I have also heard good things about.

Anyone else I should look at?

Not likely to carry them for hours but more likely general glassing. Looking for coyotes, seeing where the dog got off to, seeing how cold the water is when the lady next door gets out of the pool, etc
Swaros are out of my budget range, but I ordered the following for review during my search;

Nikon Monarch 7
Meopta Meostar
Pentax DCF ED
Vortex Viper HD

I should also mention I'm a glasses wearer, so the above selection was based on price range as well as long eye relief.

I ended up keeping the Meoptas. The glass was excellent, and the FOV was not only large, but the image quality was crystal clear all the way to the edge of view. This was not the case with the Vortex or the Nikons. There was significant curvature of field around the last 10-20% of view.

The Kahles and Pentax also had excellent glass. What I didn't like was the smaller FOV. The Kahles were actually the worst. It was like looking through toilet paper tubes.

You might check out Eagle Optics. They have a no-questions-asked return policy for the first 30 days. I took out my credit card and charged 5k worth of glass. I then returned all but what I wanted.

Also check out OpticsThoughts. The binocular reviews there are quite informative.

Lastly, I see you are in northern California. I'm not sure of your drive, but there is a great optics store in Mendocino. I've been there and peered through lots and lots of brands. They have some great views right on the coast line, which makes for some easy comparison.
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Thanks and I should have mentioned the Steiners as well.

At this point unless I can run into a pair of Swarovskis reallty cheap I think I am looking at the MeoStars or the twin from Cabelas. Through marriage I have a realitve that lives in the Czech Republic and I hear they are investing heavily in competing with some of the top Euro glass folks including Swarovski. I will keep looking for a great deal on the Meo stars and thanks for the feedback
Make sure to factor in warranty on whatever you get. I just bought a 20 year old "classic" zeiss off ebay that the seller was a bit less than honest on the condtion of. Sent them same day to zeiss and just received them after a week. They repaierd, cleaned, realigned and purged with nitrogen, basically giving me a redone pair of binos for......wait for it......nothin. But the price of shipping, that is.
Now that is some warranty service!
In your price range, check out the Vortex Razor HD's. I've been using the Viper HD's for over a year now and they're great for the price. Plus if/when I accidentally drop them, I'm covered by their awesome warranty.
At this point it looks like some of the price points, in the 10x42 HD's, are:
1. Swarovski EL HD $1900
2. Swarovski SLC HD $1500
3. Meo Star HD $900

Not sure I can tell the difference in the EL's for $1,000 more and even the $600 jump is just a bit of a stretch. I dont have the opportunity to look at all 3 (plus others) side by side so if anyone has any real world feedback or thoughts I would appreciate hearing it.
At this point it looks like some of the price points, in the 10x42 HD's, are:
1. Swarovski EL HD $1900
2. Swarovski SLC HD $1500
3. Meo Star HD $900

Not sure I can tell the difference in the EL's for $1,000 more and even the $600 jump is just a bit of a stretch. I dont have the opportunity to look at all 3 (plus others) side by side so if anyone has any real world feedback or thoughts I would appreciate hearing it.
I haven't look at the other but the Swarovski EL sv is like you are looking at 3D picture, it is the best best binocular i have ever use, i don't think any other binocular could compare to this brand.
Thanks HK and I have looked through the EL's. Amazing clarity.....I was in evening sun looking at the ground under bushes on the dark side of a building a pretty long way off. With the naked eye I could see the bushes but certainly not what was in the shadows under neath them. I also looked at the slc's and the only real difference seemed to be around the edges where the image seemed to start to curve....not sure it was just me or I am describing it correctly but the EL's seemed more lifelike.

My challenge is....$. If I am going to spend $1400 on the SLC's then I would jump to the EL's. The Meo Stars seem, based on the specs, to be very close to the EL's for $900. Not sure the EL's are twice as good but darn I really liked the EL's.

I went cheap on a Rem 700 build that ended up costing more than if I had just done it right so the 'buy once cry once' mantra hits home. If anyone has expereince in looking at the Meo Stars and the EL's I would like to hear about it.

CCOKER......did you try the Swarovski's before you got the Meo's?
I just got a pair of the Vortex Razor HD's this year before the hunting season here in Idaho started. I love them. In fact, my brother told me that he is getting a pair by next year. He said he feels that he is looking through fog in his Nikon Monarchs compared to the Razors. Great class, and right there in the price range. The Cabela Euros are pretty good glass to for a bit less, they are just really heavy.
I got a slightly used pair of the new version Swarovski Swarovision EL 10x32s for $1,800 off ebay and they're ridiculous. I had a pair of Valdada Hunter 10x32s I got when I purchased my last IOR. Up to that point, they were the best I've used (around $200 retail) so I cannot comment on other brands / models, but everybody kept saying buy the best you can so I got the Swaros based on good reviews. I also had bought a Swarovski STM 65 spotter off a 'hide member earlier this year so I knew they made quality stuff. My friends thought I was crazy spending almost 2k for binos but after looking through them it shut everybody up...

Last week for reference I took them to Dick's Sporting Goods to compare side by side with Nikon Monarchs and Redfields 10x42s (around $200-500) so not exactly a fair comparison, but the Swarovski was noticably brighter, exhibited no chromatic abberation, amazing resolution, and had larger field of view to boot. The fact that they were brighter was really surprising to me since it was 32mm lens vs 42mm.

The smaller size lets me carry them anywhere. I've gone on hikes up mountains, taken them to parks for birdwatching, and shooting ranges where I can see holes in paper at 200 yards. Works a good substitute for a spotter when i'm shooting irons.
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You will not go wrong with Kahles or Swarvoski Binos they both offer outstanding performance! We sale both bino sets and more so if we can be of help let me know.

Here is link to Kahles Binos.

Here is a link to other binos we sale. cstactical

I have Swarovski 7x42 SLCs and Zeiss Victory FL T 8x32 binoculars. I picked up the 7x42 used (like new) for $700. I purchased the Zeiss optics that were demos like new from a SH vendor for $1300. If I could only have one I would choose the 8x32 Zeiss bins. They are so much easier to carry (not a requirement that you give, but if they are handy to carry, you will find yourself using them for hikes, ball games, etc). Also, consider an 8x model if you wear glasses, more eye relief.

I keep the 7x42s for the dark eastern woods I hunt most frequently. They are really perfect for that use. The much lighter 8x32s were awesome on my CO elk hunt, you forget you have them on!

i just purchased some of the new SLC 8x42's with FL glass

They super sharp with a WIDE sweet spot and very bright

in the hand they feel much lighter and more slim than the meopta meostar 7x42

They are also more neutral, less yellowish when looking at white backgrounds (snow)

I got mine from eagle optics new at a great price. i would call and speak to BEN

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