Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving:
Norma 308 Winchester loaded with Swift A-Frame 180gr Bullets. - $249.50 with free shipping for the entire case (200 rounds)
-This actually sold out last night, but we have more on the way arriving next week and have extended the sale for those that want to pre-order it. To put it in perspective, the price on 200 bullets alone is $300, and the brass would be an additional $160.
Armscor 22 Cal 55gr FMJ-BT projectiles are $299.60 for 4,000 ct box (Free shipping) Save $100
All Cutting Edge Bullets are an additional 10% of MAP with coupon code CuttingEdge10
For ammo collectors or those who just like exotic ammo, we have Swiss P 338 Lapua Magnum 260gr Tungsten Carbide Armor Piercing ammo.
10 round boxes are $149.95
Entire Sealed ammo cans available as well for $2799.
1 Dealer quantity of 10 cans is available to the masses at a savings of $5,000
Free shipping on everything over $150
Norma 308 Winchester loaded with Swift A-Frame 180gr Bullets. - $249.50 with free shipping for the entire case (200 rounds)
-This actually sold out last night, but we have more on the way arriving next week and have extended the sale for those that want to pre-order it. To put it in perspective, the price on 200 bullets alone is $300, and the brass would be an additional $160.

Armscor 22 Cal 55gr FMJ-BT projectiles are $299.60 for 4,000 ct box (Free shipping) Save $100

Armscor 22 Cal 55gr FMJ-BT w/ Cannelure
Armscor 22 Cal 55gr FMJ-BT w/ Cannelure - 500 ct

All Cutting Edge Bullets are an additional 10% of MAP with coupon code CuttingEdge10
Premium Reloading Components - Projectiles - Rifle Projectiles - Page 1 - Raven Rocks Precision
rifle bullets for reloading

For ammo collectors or those who just like exotic ammo, we have Swiss P 338 Lapua Magnum 260gr Tungsten Carbide Armor Piercing ammo.
10 round boxes are $149.95
Entire Sealed ammo cans available as well for $2799.
1 Dealer quantity of 10 cans is available to the masses at a savings of $5,000

SwissP 338 Lapua Mag Armor Piercing Tungsten Carbide Core
SwissP 338 Lapua Mag Armor Piercing Tungsten Carbide Core

Free shipping on everything over $150