Was at the range today fist time shooting past 200 ( which is they typical full length range in my area.) At 300 I would zoom in to try to see my shot placement but anything past like 8-10x was getting progressively blurrier. At 100yds and 200yds I could go 4x-14x and see other peoples hits on paper crystal clear.
Is this issue Mirage or heat waves off the barrel? And is it a zoom lvl issue or something that was just at the 300 yard mark? When the sun went behind a cloud it wasn't bad but full sun my 6in round target coulda been a square or triangle for all I could tell.
Shooting wasn't an issue I just backed the zoom down but if there's a way to correct for this or if I just need to get a good pair of binoculars to check my shots that would be super helpful info.
Is this issue Mirage or heat waves off the barrel? And is it a zoom lvl issue or something that was just at the 300 yard mark? When the sun went behind a cloud it wasn't bad but full sun my 6in round target coulda been a square or triangle for all I could tell.
Shooting wasn't an issue I just backed the zoom down but if there's a way to correct for this or if I just need to get a good pair of binoculars to check my shots that would be super helpful info.