Re: Bobcat Down
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Turk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">In some states you are allowed "gay marriage" ! You want to try that too? Every time I hear an argument for hunting, I hear this species destroys this....! Since when do you give a flying f&$@ about the bird population enough to....let me guess you belong to some bird watching club? Some have good reason to hunt; perhaps to feed their family, to save their livestock, or possibly to stop the spread of disease. If you want to hunt; it is your privelage , but don't try to justify it by stating that you are trying to help the Eco system! Some hunt just to kill. That is wrong! You may think that you have a beautiful trophy; hate to break it to you, but it was a lot more beautiful alive, then DEAD! Btw before you accuse someone of being a hypocrite and try correlate the 2nd <span style="color: #FF0000">amendement</span> and hunting; you may want to check into which one is a " right" and which one is a "<span style="color: #FF0000">privelage</span>"! Got my nomex on; make sure you have yours on as well!</div></div>
You're welcome
Gay Marriage= no thanks. I'll continue to let you be the resident expert on that one.
Hmmmm, 'RIGHT' you say? Since you are so smart check out this:
State Constitutions Right to Hunt and Fish
notice Alabama and Oklahoma are on this list.
You are the snake in the grass. You are the hidden danger to American gun owners that will cause us to lose our right to own guns. You are that danger because you are a hypocrite. That's right you are.
You are, because you want to own guns and use them in way you see fit. You spew hate at other gun owners who choose to exercise their "RIGHT" to use them in the way they see fit. Guess what, without hunters, hobby shooters stand no chance to defeat the agenda that is present in the United States at this very moment. Without hobby shooters, hunters stand no chance to defeat the same evil. You are a liberal pansy in disguise because you lay here on this site with other 2nd Amendment supporters and pretend to be all in, when in fact you are poison. You serve to drive a wedge between the two law abiding communities that lawfully use weapons in a recreational manner.
In the future keep your word hole shut if you disagree with what a hunter chooses to shoot or trap. Your opinion only serves as a divisive tool that the liberals will be more than happy to exploit.
You are a self righteous blow hard that only sees your view on the world and lives in an ivory tower that looks down on the rest of the law abiding world and turns your nose up.
Have a good day. I'm out. GFY