Bosnian M48 Zrak sniper

Miller Tyme

Aug 31, 2020
Been a while since I have had the time to do any shooting, 1st with the covid, then with the local range fighting to stay open against pressure from the county ( been in operation since 1962) and now with finding ammo.

I went through my stash and found some Egyptian Surplus to shoot so I am off to the range tomorrow to try out my Bosnian M48 sniper. The rifle is one of the early 2000 imports that came with the bases but no mounts or scopes. Most of them had sewer pipe bores and looked like they where drug behind a T34 so it took a while to find this one but the bore is nice and is numbers matching. Now mounts at that time where scarce as hens teeth but that all changed about 2017 and today they are plentiful so it finally came out of the safe.
The trigger is horrible and cheek weld isn't the best with the scope sitting so high but these rifles where never designed to be snipers in the 1st place. So tomorrow, if the rain holds off it is going to the range to see how it shoots.

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I would say that the Covid left no rust in the chamber, nice group, love the rifle.

Thanks, would have liked to take it out further my my range is in a fight with the Amish neighbors that have moved in around it about the noise.( range has been there since 1963) The have the county involved and for now the county has asked them to limit the range to 200yds, which for the life of me makes no sense since my rifle is just as loud shooting 200 yds as it is shooting 500 yds.