Reloading Equipment Brass, brass, brass!!! 6.5 Creedmoor and .308


Full Member
Jun 17, 2009
Tucson, AZ

Got counts and prices.

6.5 Creedmoor:
x1 fired Hornady: Approximately 1,600 pieces. $500 shipped. - SPF
x2 fired Hornady: 184 pieces, $ 60 shipped - SPF
x2 Fired Prime: 215 Pieces, $70 shipped

x1 fired Federal FGMM 168 brass: 512 pieces
x1 fired Federal FGMM 175 brass: 112 pieces
x1 fired Federal FGMM 7.62x51 175 brass: 100 pieces
Prefer to sell/ship all 724 pieces of .308 brass together (but will keep divided) for $250 shipped.

I also have a lot smaller batches of x2 fired Hornady (184 pieces) and x1 fired Prime (215 pieces). I'm willing to ship the bigger lots of brass. If picking up locally, I will give a good discount on the prices above.
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Prices and counts have been updated.

My phone decided to die on me the other night, so currently without a phone until I get sent a new one. I will periodically be checking the forum, but may not be able to respond right away.