Wondering if anyone uses a Brass Deflector to slow down and redirect brass away from you. Will likely be shooting left handed and wondering if any of the following work, are effective, and/or cause any issues.......AND if anyone has a better recommendation other than these.
The only problem with the above is that I own a PWS Firearm and I am not sure that it's built in deflector is mill spec...if not, I don't think these two will work.
Problem with this one is it is out of stock and I can't find it anywhere. Plus, it seems more cumbersome taking ups rails space I might need for a magnifier someday.

AR-15 Accessory Kit | deflector-brake
The Deflector Brake eliminates brass burns by forcing spent brass to consistently drop 3-4 ft next to you instead of scattered all over. Great for left handed shooters or off shoulder firing because it pushes flying brass forward and away from your face. Our Deflector Brake works absorbing the...

#1 Eugene, OR Indoor Shooting Range - NW Arsenal
Whether it's practicing your marksmanship or to purchase your first firearm, the gun experts at the best indoor shooting range, in Eugene, OR are here to help.

The only problem with the above is that I own a PWS Firearm and I am not sure that it's built in deflector is mill spec...if not, I don't think these two will work.
BrassBully | Brass Deflector
BrassBully is the only Universal and Ambidextrous Brass Deflector for AR-15 and AR-10. Made from machined aluminum and tool steel. Made in the U.S.A.

Problem with this one is it is out of stock and I can't find it anywhere. Plus, it seems more cumbersome taking ups rails space I might need for a magnifier someday.