Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM


novice judgmental prick
Full Member
  • Mar 24, 2006
    Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM 110BA
    Is this just a Ammo Problem inherent of the factory .338 LM Hornady ammo ???
    Any owners w/Savage .338lm & info would be appreciated . I can not see this problem being anything ( but ammo ) because rifle was factory test-fired before going out the door .
    & Rifle will be Hand Loaded for . but just shooting 1-box Factory ammo today for fun till all .338LM related Reload components are purchased .

    2 hours ago. New factory out of the box, Savage 110 BA .338LM
    Otis kit, snaked the Bore with a little black from factory test firing showing , & fired 3-Rounds on paper @100 .

    Problem :
    Fired 3-Rounds . All 3-brass stuck in chamber & had to be Rod tapped-out .
    1-box Hornady Factory .338lm 250 grn. ammo

    Manual Bolt pull-back would just rip past the Case rim . Had to rod tap-out all 3-Cases .
    ' heavy ' Brass flow on Bolt face .
    ( but ) - Primmer's looks 'Fabulous' w/nice big round, post fired edges .
    post-fire Brass Neck's had (black) blow-over pressure w/about 3/4 of neck covered .
    Re: Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM


    Reason for Brass having to beat-out with Rod after firing on New out of box rifle, & For Savage's factory Quality Control & quality of product & Smithing .
    Took barrel off . chucked it up & looked inside the chamber . What a piece of DogShit Savage let go out the door to the customer .
    Rough as a Cob and 3 deep chatter marks on Chamber wall . & only got 2 of them worked-out with spinning some 400 & 800 grit . With 1 of them still remaining there to the eye when done.
    Re: Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM

    Savage is infamous for what you described. Often times there has been no effect on performance and the rifle still shot great, and then there people who have had similar issues to you. I know the guys at had a 6br with the same chamber issues and it still shot well. I hope your fix works until the barrel is toast, otherwise, have a smith rechamber it the right way.
    Re: Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM

    Savage will take care of it tute sweet and pay for shipping. Send it back to them. Now I will say this, my BA 110 does not like Hornady brass, it is way to soft. I can only shoot about 85gr or H1000 before I get hard bolt lift and after the 3rd fireing they look bad. I only use Lapua brass;however, I still can not load over 91gr of H1000 without a sticky bolt. My load is 87gr of H1000 pushing a SMK 300. This load shoots 1/2 MOA at 300 and has no problem banging steel at at mile.

    Good luck

    Re: Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM

    Piss-Poor QC (imho) . they could have done something to fix when they had there hands & eyes on it & but they consciously chose to let it go for Retail sales in this condition . & No WAY that thing could have passed the test-fire without Stuck Case .
    Plus The Fluted Reamer 'HAD' to have been buggered-up when it grabbed & chattered to dig those gouges in the Chamber cutting before or after . I would hate to think they just kept using the same Reamer & just passed down the same quality Chamber-cut to each barrel on the run for the day out that machine .
    Only way to get this last bad Gouge out is to just do a re-cut & set-back on the Chamber, it is a doosey . but there is going to be a few rounds put out it today to check for stuck cases . I think the work done to it yesterday on getting rid of rough gouges will Pass & not let the Cases grab the chamber wall after firing, but we will see .
    Also SHITTY on the Feeding . the Magazine is crappy & week on the spring/follower w/ piss-poor feeding on the 5- round Mag . The Mag. Looks be AICS strait-stack 338lm . but with a lesser grade coating/finish on the body & cheep spring & follower . Also there is a factory key-cutout witness on the Receiver for the Lug to be Witness & placed but it is not affixed either .

    I got not real beef against the .338 model Receiver of the Savage & it should shoot great accuracy & thickness of metal on this Receiver is more than heavy/ridged enough to handle this size LR Cartridge .The Chassis system is comfortable & feels good when you climb behind it also .

    Savage can be Accurate but You pay for what you get & it looks like 2-K don't get you much these days . Savage is an unfinished product & Budget Rifle . & That's what you are buying when you purchase this .338LM 110ba .

    Re: Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM

    I have the same issue with Hornady brass and my 110 BA. I little touch of lube on the brass before I shoot them and I have no issues my buddies 110 BA has the sam issue with Hornady too
    Re: Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM

    I will never Lube my brass Cases before firing them . That causes more Bolt pressure with Cases not getting the hold on Case expansion when expanding and grabbing the Chamber wall . & Even though the .338 is a straighter wall Case. (i do not think) It is the best of Idea's to do that .

    ( I have the Feeling ) ...LOL . The reason you are having the Hornady Brass stick in your rifles Chamber is because it is a rough Savage factory Ream job & they did no clean-up on it when finished & let it out the door .
    There is NO sticking now @ all with Hornady brass after removing the barrel and chucking it up in the lathe and working the Chamber over with 400 & 800 grit .

    Even though it did not get out the worst gouge left by the chimpanzee that Savage hired that did the Ream job . The soft Hornady Brass is GTG now for Extraction every time .
    Even though extract great now Hornady Brass is still some soft stuff . It does leave a pile of Brass flow all over the Bolt-face . I have never seen such a gold colored bolt-face in my life, until using Hornady Brass & shooting .338LM . & ther is NO Primmer pressure & Bolt-Handle lifts smooth as silk after firing .
    Re: Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM

    Same problem with mine. Hornady 250 grain. Each shot required me to sit with a block of wood to get the bolt to extract the case.

    Called savage, they told me they had been having issues with the softer Hornady brass. Try some other rounds before sending it back. They test fire with Black Hills ammo and if they fired that and there was no problem they'd just send it back to me.

    Couldn't find black hills anywhere, places I go online are back ordered so I picked up some PPU and Lapua 338. Went this weekend and had mixed results. Lapua was stiff on round #4, required some force to extract but not as bad as the Hornady. PPU went fine for about 3 or 4 rounds, then the 5th locked up and needed to be banged a bit to extract.

    Have to call them back this week and see what they say.
    Re: Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM

    First time poster, but I'm having the EXACT same problem with my 10 FCP-K. I received the rifle on Monday, took it to the range Wednesday with 2 boxes of FGMM 168gr. It shot VERY well, definitely sub-MOA...until shot #20. I tried to cycle the bolt, but no dice. I managed to strong-arm it open, but the bullet itself was still in the chamber; the case came clean off and powder flew everywhere. I had to tap it out with my cleaning rod.
    I tried 2 more times with the exact same result.

    Took it to the smith this morning. He hasn't fully checked it yet, but just glancing in the chamber, he seems to think the chamber is REALLY rough, and a piece of brass got wedged in one of the rough spots in the metal.

    Looking elsewhere on the 'web, it looks like this is a common problem with Savages recently. Must just be a bad batch or other one shoots and cycles reliably every time.

    I'm also curious as to what Savage will tell you about yours, since there's a really good chance mine will be sent off for repair (being only 3-4 days old). Also, if they're testing with Black Hills ammo, that's not exactly easy to get...most people I know around here use Federal, Remington, Winchester, etc. I wonder if that could be part of the problem.
    Re: Brass Extraction problem /new Savage .338 LM

    i am currently shooting a 110BA in .300wm with 220 rounds down the tube so far with no problems at all as far as a malfunction. i did however get alot of fliers when shooting the new hornady superformance round. rifle just did not like that load, switched bact to hornady custom 180gr. SSTs and it shoots very well.

    i know its not the .338 but as far as i know most of these problems are occuring with the 338LM. i have seen this complaint everywhere, even on the savage shooters forum.

    rather upsetting that they continue to put a problem like this in the customers hands over and over instead of going back to the drawing board and fixing it