NOVEMBER 3, 2023
Senate Bill S3223 recently introduced to the Senate Judiciary Committee seeking to ban sales of "bulk ammunition" and subject ALL ammunition sales to federal background checks and recordkeeping by FFLs. This is a new bill and had just been brought to light by 2A legal sphere watchers.
At the current time, New York State is the only state which requires state LE background checks to be performed. This bill aims to do the same but on the nationwide level.
BILL INFORMATION: Note: The below link contains a shortcut to CONTACT your local reps and senators regarding this bill.
SHARE this info on other sites and boards which may not know of this development yet.
NOVEMBER 3, 2023
Senate Bill S3223 recently introduced to the Senate Judiciary Committee seeking to ban sales of "bulk ammunition" and subject ALL ammunition sales to federal background checks and recordkeeping by FFLs. This is a new bill and had just been brought to light by 2A legal sphere watchers.
At the current time, New York State is the only state which requires state LE background checks to be performed. This bill aims to do the same but on the nationwide level.
BILL INFORMATION: Note: The below link contains a shortcut to CONTACT your local reps and senators regarding this bill.
AMMO Act (2023 - S. 3223)
A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prevent bulk sales of ammunition, promote recordkeeping and reporting about ammunition, end ammunition straw purchasing, and require a background check before the transfer of ammunition by certain Federal firearms licensees to non-licensees.

SHARE this info on other sites and boards which may not know of this development yet.