Albany passes package of bills to tighten gun control
The package includes 10 bills that impose age restrictions on the sale of semi-automatic rifles, ban most civilians from buying bulletproof vests, and close a high-capacity magazine loophole.

As the funerals are just only starting for the victims of the Buffalo and Uvalde shootings, New York State Democrats already wasted no time at all in drafting and ramming through a package of more than 10 gun control laws all designed to further infringe on the already tenuous state of gun ownership rights in the state of New York. Among the laws passed:
* Requiring all semiautomatic rifles, including rimfires, to be sold only to individuals who have gone through a time consuming process to obtain a license similar to a handgun license.
* Increase the age of semiauto rifle purchases and exchanges (gifts and FTF sales) to 21.
* Eliminating the grandfather statute on existing standard capacity magazines, including pre-94 mags. Anyone who owns mags of more than 10 round capacity is now facing criminal charges.
* Bans the sale of body armor to all civilians not in LE and armed security professions.
* Expanded Red Flag laws to identify those who are potential threats. (Absolute nonsense since the Buffalo shooter had been glowing redder than a kettle of slag out of a foundry furnace and authorities chose to completely ignore it)
* Expand the legal definition of "firearm" to everything that can be made into operational firearms, including receiver blanks.
* Pave the way for perfection, marketing, and implementation of microstamping technology to all new semiautomatic handguns sold in the state.
* Increase social media monitoring for potential threats and increase penalties for making verbal or online threats of terroristic acts.
NONE of these new provisions include means to make it easier for people to carry defensive handguns, eliminate "Gun Free Zones", or hardening soft targets by adding armed resource officers and allowing competent staff to carry handguns.
This just shows how much these political parasites actually "care" about their constituents. Every one of the bills passed today have the potential to be abused to the point of enacting full on totalitarian control. None of them will actually reduce or prevent mass shootings and gun crime, but only further disarm the vulnerable and ensure a healthy supply of defenseless people for future criminals to exploit.
REMEMBER how fast this package of tyrannical nonsense was rammed through the mechanism of the NYS legislature, at the same time the population is demanding answers to the inflation, baby formula shortage, the border crisis, and the thousands of deaths of elderly residents at care facilities from COVID-19 due to intentional exposure, and these answers are still nowhere to be found.
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