Bridging JerryF and Pvs14 or get jerryFB or ce5?


Jan 3, 2024
Hey, so I’m wondering if it’s possible to bridge together a jerryF with a Pvs14 since the jerryF uses that mount with the cable. I’m wondering maybe that mount could be modified to add a shoe onto it so I can bridge it using my KVC bridge or should I sell my Pvs14 and get the fb?
I’ll be honest cost is a factor, I don’t want to spend too much too fast. I was considering getting the jerryF perhaps a year from now.
There’s also the JerryFB and for that, I’d want to save on money and build it myself by just buying the housing and putting in my own tubes but I don’t know what would go into that to be honest.
I also conferring getting the ce5 clip on however my concerns with the ce5 is it’s durability, part of the housing is made from plastic and that projector seems flimsy.
Also correct me if I’m wrong, but that projector can get obstructed by say rain or fog correct?
And also to say I don’t think any of these options have a digital zoom and are very inferior to a dedicated thermal monocular like the rh25.

Any advice or personal experiences with any of these devices would be appreciated.