I myself just ordered an MPO a few hours ago - and was unfamiliar with Tract, to be quite honest. Having read up a little, they do seem quite impressive. I believe it would have been several hundred dollars more - perhaps not exactly a deal-breaker for me, but a consideration nonetheless ... However, they do have a very, very impressive description. Tract seems to remind me of a business/company that I would do if I had some money to invest/etc. I am a wine professional by trade, and there are more than a few people who made very famous, very hi-quality wines by sourcing extremely-high-quality grapes or juice, high-quality equipment, and skilled, experienced winemakers, and produced what are often called by a French term that translates to "garage wines' - the idea being, you rent yourself a building - something approximating an empty "garage" ... you get some (hopefully hi-quality) winemaking equipment (which can be extensive, expansive, and expensive - depending on the scale of the production) - and a talented oenologist, and they have created a wine that might retail for $50 that might be comparable to $100-500 wines, or a $500 wine that might be comparable to the $5000 wines - you guys get the point, I'm sure. Many are even sold only via their mailing lists or at their own retail locations (this is hard due to the various regulations of wine and alcohol in general, in different States, Countries, etc.) ==== Tract seems to have done this to quite a similar extent - hired a famous factory to produce top-quality products, with superior components - 'ingredients' - and then sold them themselves to reduce or even eliminate any wholesalers or 'middle-men' (to quote their website).
Anyway- as I said, I just ordered an MPO this morning - and I'm quite happy with the purchase - but I sure seem to like the concept of Tract. Never any experience, but seems like a great idea.