Building a lighter weight precision rifle in 308


Jan 16, 2009
Hey, I'm new here, I was told to list a bunch of stocks for sale (PSS), but found that this site is pretty cool in the process! While I'm here, I might as well bounce a question off you knowledgable folks.

I'm pondering an inexpensive 700 based build as a lightweight "fieldable" rifle. Currently, my precision bolt gun is a 40XC and it weighs a frikking ton!

So with this build, I'm looking to shave weight (not performance) and get something with a shorter barrel. If it comes with a crappy stock, that's fine, I'll swap in one of my PSS stocks.

A lot of people have already recommended the SPS, what do you folks think? I'll venture outside of the Rem 700 family if the rifle is ready to go and under $800. (Hogue stocks are not ready to go IMO)