Selling my NIB Burris XTR 3 3.3-18 SCR mil reticle. This is the non-illuminated USA made version. Never been mounted or taken outside. More pictures tonight. $900 shipped obo
How does one find more info on where the different Burris XTR models are "made" , which I assume means assembled?
Also who's glass are they using in different scopes?
The earlier non-illuminated scopes are the ones made/assembled in Greeley a Colorado. When they switched to illuminated they shifted production to the Philippines and also dropped the msrp.
:eek::p:love::giggle: Wow its been a crazy year. I went from being a scope snob to selling everything and buying 2 new XTR2's with H59. This whole year as been fun competing with a scope that tracks phenomenal...
Long thread on the XTR3 line and differences between the original XTR3 and XTR3i