
Command Sgt. Major
Full Member

So the whack jobs up here who are looking for another excuse to employ sociology majors and redistribute wealth... have finally figured out that VT was Ground Zero for the Eugenics movement...

But wait a minute... wasn't that 'settled science'? All the professors and papers and research said so. There was no doubt that the Eugenics concept was 100 percent correct. And that society needed to pass laws to enact policies to promote the science of eugenics. It only led to... tens of millions of people being killed in the last century.

How, though, can reparations and investigations be needed over 'settled science.' Once the science is settled... then it's fact. Whole faculties of scientists and medical professionals agreed that this was fact. Governments... the people... knew for sure that it was fact. So why should reparations or investigations be necessary? The fact that it was science... and settled... leaves no room for error, right?

Guess that's the tricky thing about 'settled science' and the druids who believe it... All sounds well and good until it proves to be wrong... or unfashionable. Because, well, isn't 'trendy and fashionable' science... not science at all? But quasi-religion... a dangerous farce all wrapped up in the pretty bow of "Settled Science."

Gee... maybe 'settled science' isn't so settled after all.... It's just an excuse for the tyrants and bullies and politicians and charlatans to subjugate, tax and steal from the people... you know... by paying reparations and redistributing wealth.... and forcing controlling laws and regulations on... progress. Druids.... 21st Century Druids.

Can't wait to see the riots at the Perkins Building at UVM on this one. Burn it down babies! Burn it down. It's a symbol of bad bad things...


You are absolutely correct. "Facts" seem to change over time. Some famous ones are:
1. The earth is flat.
2. The sun revolves around the earth.
3. Earth is at the center of the universe.
4. Mercury has lots of health benefits.
5. Bleeding people is the best way to deal with many health issues.
6. The Pope is always right because....he is the pope, and all his inspiration comes from God.
7. Eugenics is settled science.

I could go on for quite a while, but I think the point is made. Politics, religion, fashion, and financial gain all effect what gets accepted as "fact", and often that changes over time. One week coffee is bad for you, the next week, coffee is good for you.

I guess the only thing that is settled is that change is constant...well, at least for now, but even this is subject to change.
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And how many people were killed and imprisoned... and for how many generations was 'science' stalled... because The Sun Revolves Around the Earth... is settled science.

Yup... wonder what they'll say about today's 'settled science' in a few hundred years. Those lazy little fu**ers on the sinking Island of Yap better be saving up to pay us reparations for all the money we're wasting on 'settled science.' And they better not even think about paying in those big stone coins, either. We want our reparations in gold.


You are absolutely correct. "Facts" seem to change over time. Some famous ones are:
1. The earth is flat.
2. The sun revolves around the earth.
3. Earth is at the center of the universe.
4. Mercury has lots of health benefits.
5. Bleeding people is the best way to deal with many health issues.
6. The Pope is always right because....he is the pope, and all his inspiration comes from God.
7. Eugenics is settled science.

I could go on for quite a while, but I think the point is made. Politics, religion, fashion, and financial gain all effect what gets accepted as "fact", and often that changes over time. One week coffee is bad for you, the next week, coffee is good for you.

I guess the only thing that is settled is that change is constant...well, at least for now, but even this is subject to change.
You forgot one, "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman".

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Oh, can you even imagine the ramifications if it came out that the combination of a man and a woman is the only possible combination that can procreate was politicized science the whole time?

Can you imagine all the little animal critters asking for reparations? What do you think a squirrel would be after, having been lied to since the inception of its species? Surely an infinite supply of nuts wouldn't be the only demand. Maybe more oak trees, and less coyotes, but then how do you reparate a coyote? Give it more squirrels?

That's a problem for gifted minds, to be sure.
And how many people were killed and imprisoned... and for how many generations was 'science' stalled... because The Sun Revolves Around the Earth... is settled science.

Yup... wonder what they'll say about today's 'settled science' in a few hundred years. Those lazy little fu**ers on the sinking Island of Yap better be saving up to pay us reparations for all the money we're wasting on 'settled science.' And they better not even think about paying in those big stone coins, either. We want our reparations in gold.


Don't know if we want those on Yap to pay us back.
You would need a helluva coin purse.
On the plus side, the brown skinned ladies frequently go topless.