All of you that have ever been involved in a "think tank" know that one rule to make sure you observe things totally is throw in someone with a WHOLE lot less background/info/ intelligence? ROFL.....that would be me here but since on 700 Rems Im gonna slip in here and begin my registration with some info I use.
This site and members as well as a few others are probably BIG on the SPS look, aka "matte finish". Same goes for SOME of the synthetic stocks......ewwwwww. Yeah, I know, better groups...sometimes, not always IMHO.
I've had a couple just because and only because someone needed to unload one fast and I resold it ASAP. The "matte finish" while advertised as "non glare" etc was purely a cost reduction measure. No metal polishing required. Synthetic stocks started as cost reduction measures BUT some great companies came out with new and improved versions that DO generally give super tight groups. For ME, a properly bedded wood stock gives me all I can use, many went unchanged straight from the factory.
That said there is ONE such Remington 700 I especially like, as do many others, with such a finish and stock and that's the 700 Police in 308, 26 inch barrel. Ive only had the option of firing ONE rifle of this model but it was a doozy for bench or prone field work ONLY. I couldnt lug that for half a day and not be "creaky" the next,
Having owned literally dozens of 700s the old war horse 700 BDL still is numero uno , "do everything, walk around or sit and glass" rifle...for this ol bird.
A mandatory requirement for ME (and several others if not MOST) is the "older versions" sans the J-lock bolt.
The heavy 700 P would be my choice for working up super super accurate LOOOOOOOOOOOONG range loads for that use and the prettiest BDL I could find wood wise would be my choice for a carry rifle.
I gotta admit, I look at my rifles (and take great pride in their appearance) more often than I shoot them. That is pretty standard for most and it's not like I don't shoot them....a LOT~! FOR ME, life is just too short, and each year reminds me how few some of us have, to shoot an ugle rifle but again, that's just MY take.
The BDL's are about if not are, extinct in new production, replaced by the "upgrade" of the CDL. The value of the BDL's are going up if in mint condition and that will continue so. Therefore MY choice and using beauty, function, and value as yardsticks to measure, the first choice Id make, and normally do, is a mint BDL with better than average grain.
Think the value of such is not increasing? I watched a "new in box" VERY late issue (with j-lock) 700 BDL in 17 Rem sell for a shipping and insurance. A mint BDL in something NOT 30-06 typically goes 600-650 sometimes more.
There are MANY new 700 versions and Model Seven CDLs too (in some cartridges) that can be bought for less than that that will not hold the value the BDL will.
Scopes are purely up to the buyer, his use, his wallet etc. I've found several HIGH dollar scopes are super nice, super pretty and it scares me silly to think of that kind of money in a scope, but if I HAD IT? you bet!! If not I dont feel handicaped much with "lesser" scopes. I rarely spend over 250 and <span style="font-style: italic">wont spend that if I can help it</span>, on a decent variable varmint/target scope of various manufacture. My groups are just as good with them even if the clarity isnt as great. Mission accomplished.
Several may think differently and tis the reason these threads are informative to all of us, offense meant to anyone who may think differently.
I just picked up a MINT 700 BDL in 17 Rem for varmints. It followed the above parameters. Nice dark stock, good grain, super blue job, no j-lock (thats just me......they are freakin ugly)all original and ........oh yeah baby!!
My only regret was I bought it before I saw the Kimber 84 17 Rem listed in the classifieds.....argh. I get goose bumps just looking at the photos! ohhhhhhhhh would I like to pit those two against each other!!
Did I mention how it STINKS to be old and poor? ROFL~!
Just my 2 cents.