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Cadex Defence CDX-33 Patriot Lite 338LM Sniper Rifle


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    Cadex Defence CDX-33 Patriot Lite 338LM Sniper Rifle

    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SDpZTc_pffI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Cadex Defence is a company on the move. For years I have been running their Dual Strike Chassis on a couple of rifles, everything from an 18” 6.5CM to a Bergara 308. The Chassis is well designed, better made than most, and very comfortable to shoot. More adjustability gives the shooter better flexibility and that helps with marksmanship if you ask me.

    Make no mistake the CDX-33 is a sniper rifle that defines the word precision.

    The CDX-33 incorporates the Patriot Lite action. As noted in the video, everything Cadex offers is done in house. This allows them to control the quality, as well as adjust as necessary. A lot more hand finishing goes into these rifles than one might expect. The Stainless Steel action is beauty to watch manufactured. I mean heck, all the components are done in a way you have to admire. They are CNC wizards at Cadex Defence.

    After my trip to the Cadex Factory I replaced the Atlas 5H bipod with a Cadex Falcon bipod. This was their answer to the standard Atlas bipod which many find a bit small for the larger magnums. Especially their Tremor .50 caliber tactical rifle.

    The Falcon bipod is a very good design that is focused right around the 388LM caliber and larger. Since the model I have is meant specifically for the Cadex Chassis I also tried it on my Tikka T3x with Cadex Competition chassis. It was super stable but definitely a bit heavier than what I am used to on a smaller rifle like the Tikka. The Tikka was made further lighter by adding a Hardy Carbon Fiber Barrel to it, so the Falcon was noticeably heavier. Switching to the CDX-33 I felt it fit this size rifle perfectly. Use and accuracy with the Falcon was top notch with no issues.
    The Falcon bipod has some great features and once the model that is designed for other rifles is out, I can see it becoming very popular. You have options for the feet, you can reverse the legs to place the buttons where you need them, as well you can deploy the legs without having to press the buttons. All smart features.

    Cadex Trigger

    I am not going to get into the endless debate of Accuracy International vs Cadex Defence. I think there is room for both and let’s face, I am certified AI fanboy. That said, I would not hesitate to pick up any product from Cadex and run it. I see them as addressing a similar market in a very effective way. Design, Quality, Accuracy, are all top notch from Cadex Defence.

    The CDX-33 is not a switch barrel rifle, it’s a dedicated 338LM much like the AWSM. So you have put that into context. The Kraken which is being introduced as we speak is the switch barrel variant much like the AXMC. So if you want to compare Apples to Apples, you have to turn towards the Kraken.

    Rifles in this class are not cheap, but the CDX-33 is not overpriced by any means. It falls right in line with its competition and is actually a tiny bit cheaper in some cases. Give Mile High Shooting a call as they are now carrying Cadex Sniper Rifles and chassis here in the US. Cadex is signing up new dealers every week and a lot of well known gunsmiths are building on the Cadex Chassis.
    Where Cadex Defence shines compared to the competition is the differences they address. Their chassis fits a lot more actions than most. It’s not just a Remington Footprint that works, take my Tikka T3x as an example. Also Cadex manages the Law Enforcement community very well. They offer tools and equipment for LE that most do not. So you get a much broader space to work in from a single source. The R7 is their answer to PRS Style competition shooting where a lighter, more standard design was being asked for. I am patenting waiting to try out the R7.

    I am a fan, there is no doubt I respect innovation and quality when I see it, and Cadex has both. Their products are well designed and well made. For a military class sniper rifle they paid attention to details far beyond what is required. As someone smarter than me said, “Only accurate rifles are interesting”, well Cadex stepped up to respond.

    Cadex Specs
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    Great info on this rifle, thanks for the review! I had totally forgot about their R7 Action, I am currently shopping around for high end PRS style build so I guess I will add this action to the list. Maybe an R7 in an MPA COMP Chassis? Or maybe Cadex Lite Competition? Hmmmm....