Camera Land NY


Dec 2, 2020
Just wanted to give a quick shout out to Camera Land NY and @gr8fuldoug! I called Camera land looking at a few options for a new scope. Somehow throughout the conversation, I brought up a problem that I had recently experienced with a manufacturer that unknowingly Doug had some experience with. He offered to reach out and see what he could do to help on my behalf, even though none of this was his fault or his responsibility. The next day I get an email from said company with an offer that made me sit back in my chair for a minute but absolutely made up for the run around that I had received previously. Needless to say I'm extremely thankful to Doug for his help and I also bought a new scope from his company while I was at it because along with obvious great customer service, they've got some great prices. Just for the record, I had never heard of Camera Land NY until this forum and had never known or spoken to Doug before rhe phone call. I just believe in the current economy that we live, good customer service and old fasshion care and decency should be applauded and that's the reason for this post! Thanks Camera Land NY and @gr8fuldoug !
Have purchased from them over the years and recently got an Arken EP8 in and ordered a EP5 7-35 also. Always easy to deal with and good with help. Good to have them on the Hide.
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