Cameras & Cleaning Help Needed


Full Member
Sep 10, 2011
Arlington Texas
I have a Savage .338 110BA Lapua Magnum. First question is: How often is it required to clean the barrel to maintain accuracy? Every shot, every 5th shot, every 10th shot or what? Second question is: Has anyone found a wireless video / camera system to be used up to 2000 yards to see exactly where you are hitting on the target?
Thanks for all replies in advance.
Re: Cameras & Cleaning Help Needed

I have a custom 338 Lapua and in my experience I have gone over 200 rounds without a problem. Just depends on your barrell.

As for the camera, if you have a good spotting scope and backdrop you won't need a camera. I do have one for punching holes in paper at long distances but if I am shooting steel I normally don't need it.

But to answer directly on the camera. I bought a security camera that can pan tilt and zoom that works on a network. I connected a linksys router to the camera. From there I have a high gain antenna attached to the router. At the firing line I have my laptop hooked to an external high gain antenna to connect to the router. So far I have been able to connect over 2 miles away. The video isn't instant but probably a second delay. Works fine for me. I can control the camera by my laptop and set the screen wherever I want.
Re: Cameras & Cleaning Help Needed


Any chance you can give some more specific product information and prices ?

The camera model and antenna's etc ?

That sounds exactly what I need. Many thanks ...
Re: Cameras & Cleaning Help Needed

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Quarter Horse</div><div class="ubbcode-body">+1 for P. Wilson's request. </div></div>

Make that +2! I'd really like to know more about those antennas which can pick up signals from a router out to 2 miles.