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(Canada's) ATRS ACCU-MAXX Reloading Press VS. (Germany's) Heavy Präzipress 140mm


Full Member
Aug 2, 2010
South Florida
Hello All, Season's greetings!
I'm about to purchase a new reloading press and would like your opinions on the two that I'm attracted to, (Canada's) ATRS ACCU-MAXX Reloading Press VS. (Germany's) Heavy Präzipress 140mm.

My goal is to squeeze the most accuracy possible from my hand loads. If anyone has used either of them, please share your opinions, I would be very grateful.

I'll be reloading the following cartridges:

.50 BMG
.375 Lethal Magnum
.416 Barrett
.408 CheyTac
.375 CheyTac
.308 Winchester
6.5 mm Creedmoor
6.5 mm Gredel
.223 Remington.

here is the link to both presses. I also have short video clips of each, if needed I can send via email or cell.



Thanks to all of you in Advance.
Sean B.
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I want to follow this thread. I recently migrated away from my Ultramag to a RCBS Jr. press for small caliber, small cartridge reloading. The Ultramag does great with 300 WM, 7mm RM and 45-70 that I reload but is way to much power for the small stuff. Is it your intent to use that big a$$ press for everything on your list?

Loading for accuracy is more a function of technique and learning how to use all the tools than it is a big a$$ press.
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Sean are you looking at reloading for personal or possibly "commercial"?
The only other press I would suggest you look at is the Mega Mite Press from Corbin. I only say that because I have no direct experience with any of the 2 you linked. Both look and read like they are fully capable to handle your requirements though.


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I know I’m a little late to the thread, but thought I would put my 2cents in as to why I decided to order an Accu-max press.
Besides its being built like a tank, so is the Prazzi and the Corbin, and the Dillon BMG for that matter. I really like the geometry of the Accu-max handle throw. It looks to be around a 90 degree throw, rather than a nearly 180 degree throw of some of the others I mentioned. Besides being capable of loading 50BMG which is important to me, it also quickly adapts to shorter rounds by snapping in a throw limiter and turning the handle. This eliminates the excessive throw required on shorter rounds that is prevelant on the other presses. I don’t have posession of the press yet. When I do I‘ll try to do a rundown on it if I think I can contribute anything not available from the videos ATR has already made.
My other press is a Dillon 550B progressive and I don’t own a single stage press for the more precise loading I want to do for competition so the dual purpose Accu-maxx was somewhat economical for me, especially since its priced in Can$ and I paid in U$.
Hello All, Season's greetings!
I'm about to purchase a new reloading press and would like your opinions on the two that I'm attracted to, (Canada's) ATRS ACCU-MAXX Reloading Press VS. (Germany's) Heavy Präzipress 140mm.

My goal is to squeeze the most accuracy possible from my hand loads. If anyone has used either of them, please share your opinions, I would be very grateful.

I'll be reloading the following cartridges:

.50 BMG
.375 Lethal Magnum
.416 Barrett
.408 CheyTac
.375 CheyTac
.308 Winchester
6.5 mm Creedmoor
6.5 mm Gredel
.223 Remington.

here is the link to both presses. I also have short video clips of each, if needed I can send via email or cell.



Thanks to all of you in Advance.
Sean B.
Sean, I‘m not familiar with the German press, but I’ve owned the big ATRS press. My focus on that press was the BMG round. CH4d dies fit beautifully with the bigger threaded press. I own a Co-Ax and love it’s torque and leverage when loading up to the .338LM case. The ATRS rig‘s leverage is off the chart with any press I ever tried. The machine work is wonderful and it is very robust. But, you can still feel your way to priming, sizing, and seating. It’s that smooth.
The only concern I would have is you being in the USA . I am close enough that I picked up my press in person. I had a talk with someone who had it shipped to their home. It arrived damaged. It is very heavy. And it is fully assembled. When I picked mine up, there was no packaging. I tossed it into my car’s trunk. I wasn’t comfortable with that. And the fellow I spoke with wasn’t comfortable either. Since his arrived damaged. Where I’m going with this is, that press would need some heavy duty packing to survive a shipping trip. No matter how long or short it is.
I’m sorry I don’t have experience with the German press to give you an honest comparison. But I would recommend the ATRS one. If you’re using it for smaller threaded dies, seaters, and the like; then you’ll need some adapters. It can be a pain finding them. I used a smaller threaded de-capping die, and had a terrible time finding one. In fact, I needed to get one made. (Just an FYI.)
Here’s a pic of mine in action loading the big case...

The darn thing is so big and heavy that I couldn’t mount it in my loading room in the house. I was restricted to the shop and the big bench.

oooo....I just noticed how old this thread is. Sorry.
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Sean, I‘m not familiar with the German press, but I’ve owned the big ATRS press. My focus on that press was the BMG round. CH4d dies fit beautifully with the bigger threaded press. I own a Co-Ax and love it’s torque and leverage when loading up to the .338LM case. The ATRS rig‘s leverage is off the chart with any press I ever tried. The machine work is wonderful and it is very robust. But, you can still feel your way to priming, sizing, and seating. It’s that smooth.
The only concern I would have is you being in the USA . I am close enough that I picked up my press in person. I had a talk with someone who had it shipped to their home. It arrived damaged. It is very heavy. And it is fully assembled. When I picked mine up, there was no packaging. I tossed it into my car’s trunk. I wasn’t comfortable with that. And the fellow I spoke with wasn’t comfortable either. Since his arrived damaged. Where I’m going with this is, that press would need some heavy duty packing to survive a shipping trip. No matter how long or short it is.
I’m sorry I don’t have experience with the German press to give you an honest comparison. But I would recommend the ATRS one. If you’re using it for smaller threaded dies, seaters, and the like; then you’ll need some adapters. It can be a pain finding them. I used a smaller threaded de-capping die, and had a terrible time finding one. In fact, I needed to get one made. (Just an FYI.)
Here’s a pic of mine in action loading the big case...

The darn thing is so big and heavy that I couldn’t mount it in my loading room in the house. I was restricted to the shop and the big bench.

oooo....I just noticed how old this thread is. Sorry.