Cantilever mount torque mishap


Dec 9, 2020
So I’ve built a bunch of rifles but I will honestly say I made a total nube mistake on this one.

I accidentally grabbed the ft lb torque wrench and not the inch lbs.

Yep. I way over torqued the cantilever mount to the upper ( aero ). Even while tightening it I am like why hasn’t this thing clicked yet.

Anyway it bent the mount. Scope was not on it yet. I threw the mount in the garbage. Put a new mount on and tightened to correct torque spec.

Now my question is. I shot it for the first time today the groups are horibleee . Like 4 - 5 inches. Is it possible that this could have affected the upper somehow bent or what ever and it’s causing this? Or would it take a ton of force to hurt that upper up there. The bolt slides freely as it should.

Or would you narrow it down to barrel/factory ammo issues.

Is it bent beyond surface? I think you would measurably deform it if you bent enough to affect accuracy. And guessing a simple poi shift would happen way before damage that would cause group dispersion. Scope mount prob absorbed the worst of it
6.5 Grendel. Hornady sst 123gr
Factory Hornady ammo?

If so, there's a HUGE portion of your problem. I never got any factory Hornady ammo to group worth a fuck in my 20" DMR 6.5 Grendel, or my 16" precision bolt 6mm ARC. Hornady Custom (123 SST), Black, and Precision Hunter were all terrible groups (1.5"-2.5"). Handloads both shoots sub-1/2 MOA in the same barrels.