Case prep, how do you do it for .223?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 25, 2019
I can reload just fine but the case prepping I really could use some learning and advancement with. Currently I'm using hand tools and that Lee drill trimming setup. I feel I do good enough for plinking but now that I want to step into precision shooting .223 I really would like to take that next step.

What prep station do you guys use? I'm mainly talking about trimming, crimp removing, and getting it ready after that for primers, powder, and bullets.
I just started using the burstfire annealer and prep station. I have been shooting some of the same Lake City brass for almost 10 years.

Shoot, tumble to clean, anneal every 3rd firing, lube and resize, if it's the 3rd firing then I trim with a Henderson style trimmer, then tumble again.

I resize on a Dillon 650. Once they get tumbled clean after realizing and/or trimming, they go back through the 650 for priming. Then I use a 550 powder funnel and two Chargemasters to drop powder for precision loads, or just use the Dillon auto powder drop for blasting loads.

I'm sure there are better ways to do it, so YMMV.
Steps I take:
-Used LC brass, tumbled wet with SS media, Dawn or similar dish soap, lemon shine or spot eliminator
-Dried in a dehydrator
-Resized by whatever means you use (I use a Dillon 750)
-Neck tension set with mandrel.
-If I use lanolin to lube, I wash/dry the cases again
-Trim with a Giraud trimmer if necessary
-If I'm feeling spicy, I'll unify the primer pockets on an RCBS Trim Mate and I usually use a Dillon reamer instead of the Trim Mate to ream the primer pockets and remove the crimp (if applicable to the brass you're using).

From there I'm ready to reload and I do so on a Dillon 750 and have two tool heads, one for case prep (steps above) and one for reloading.

I use a Uniflow III for the most part but also have a Lee powder thrower for extruded powders. I also have two Chargemasters if I'm doing ultra-precise stuff but I mostly use it for single stage press loading or load development. The Uniflow is uncannily accurate once it's set and there's a kit available so it can be integrated into a Dillon 750 toolhead..
-If I anneal, I do that step first.
-I prefer tumbling in corn cob/walnut media mixture. Liquid cleaning removes all the natural slickness from the case.
-Case lube can be Imperial size wax if I am wanting a precise shoulder bump, spray lube if I don't care so much.
-Size and deprime in a Mighty Armory mandrel die. The mandrel really helps with neck tension consistency.
-Swage the primer pocket if necessary
-Trim and debur the case
-Tumble to remove case lube
-Throw powder charges or trickle if going for peak accuracy at distance.
-Seat bullet
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