Cases not fire forming and carbon at case head


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Aug 16, 2022
Hey everyone so I'm trying to figure out what's going on here. This brass pictured is out of a .22bra chamber the fire forming method used is the false shoulder. So these cases are from the 2nd firing and the resizing die used is the SAC modular BRA die. All the pieces of brass that had this happen were short on headspace by about .003. my theory is that either maybe my chamber is bigger then the sac sizing die or maybe I bumped the shoulder to far back. Let me know what you guys think
If you're annealing with you Burstfire machine correctly, you shouldn't be having any issues like that. Maybe you can explain your process for that?
Well now that I'm thinking about it I didn't anneal after I necked the brass down and 1st firing but before the 2nd firing I did anneal and ran out of gas with 20 pieces left so I didn't anneal them and those 20 I had issues on so I think I did work harden them