CBS on Gun Control

It's not rabidly anti-gun, but the author like most of his ilk can't help but demonstrate they do not understand the Bill of Rights (or the Constitution itself for that matter).

Because it is written in the negative, the right is assumed to preexist and the Second merely affirms that fact. Repealing that Amendment would not negate that right.

Fun experiment: next time you argue with a leftist, ask them how many rights the BoR gives you. The correct answer is ZERO.
It's not rabidly anti-gun, but the author like most of his ilk can't help but demonstrate they do not understand the Bill of Rights (or the Constitution itself for that matter).

Because it is written in the negative, the right is assumed to preexist and the Second merely affirms that fact. Repealing that Amendment would not negate that right.

Fun experiment: next time you argue with a leftist, ask them how many rights the BoR gives you. The correct answer is ZERO.
also ask them why the 2A is the only right considered an individual right and all the others are collective rights. i mean it even says the people. i dont get it sometimes.
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