Chamber Preasure


Full Member
Jan 4, 2009
Queen Creek, AZ
What happens to chamber preasure if you work up a load at 1600 ft, and then go up to 6500ft. I understand that preasure will be higher if the temps are higher, but unclear about the change with altitude.

Re: Chamber Preasure

I live at 7700'. I and my friends use several max loads with no effect except higher velocity (thin air).

As you say the temp. is the main issue to watch. Don't leave the ammo on the dashboard in the sun.
Re: Chamber Preasure

a couple of PSI worth of ambient pressure is not going to make any significant difference to chamber presssure, or the chamber's ability to handle it. The rifle would still function the same even in a vacuum, but the bullet would sure go a helluva lot further, b'gosh.


(Technogeeks, plz note I am very conveniently ignoring the potential for vacuum welding...).