MACHTEC helped me out too and has some great ideas. My buddy and I used his method, and a variation of a method we came up with and they both worked well.
I built a double thick plywood plate with rubber feet and clamped it to a concrete bench at my local range. Bolted to the plate was my vice and a makeshift rail to hold our scopes. Dialed our elevation and held over to our desired adjustment. For example:
Setting our Charlies to 40 mils, we dialed 35 mils and adjusted the vice so the 5 mil mark was set on an object at about 1000 yards. Without moving the vice or scope, we then dialed back to zero, attached the Charlie, and adjusted the Charlie so the crosshair is in the exact same spot as the 5 mil mark.
One thing to note on the Macro version that attaches to the objective, the rotation of the Charlie has a big impact on the left/right shift of the crosshair. It took a bit of back and forth for us to get both the rotation and elevation dialed in. Not sure how you can make that adjustment on the rail mount version like yours but it's something to check after you get it set up, and adjust if possible.
Top pic below shows a ball head we used at first, but ended up changing it out for the second picture because there was too much play in the ballhead.
Unfortunately I didn't grab a pics of us using it at the range but you get the idea.
Final thought, make sure you follow the screw tightening pattern in the manual. Also, we went 10 in/lbs at a time up to 60in/lb total. Don't freak out that the mirror moves when tightening them down. It all comes back into alignment once you get to 60 in/lbs.
OP, what caliber are you shooting and at what range? Just curious.