China Lake 1,.... moron 0

Lol! Never a dull moment in Ridgecrest, Ca..

Lots of older, tin foil hat types out there, so not entirely surprising. Left over, freeze dried hippies, and conspiracy theorists; all waiting to "stick it to the man".

As the saying goes (lol) "China Lake: the place that ain't in China, and doesn't have a lake" (at least not in several hundred thousand years..).

I used to hate having to go up there; what a shit hole.
I'm slightly disappointed. I thought this was gonna be something to do with a China Lake pump-action grenade launcher and was hoping for explosions.
I guess idiots don't realize that the .gov has spent a very long time the past 25 years working on upgrading anti vehicle blockades to stop bigger and badder vehicle based threats.

I would guess also it's down to the movies that don't really show what actually happens when you ram your vehicle into a sold barrier at even a moderate rate of speed, So people think they can survive or such.
Most people don’t know but there are a lot of idiots who break into the artillery ranges to dig up the shells and some get blown up. An Acquaintance in the marines last year who is an artillery man accidentally killed two morons out on the range digging up shells. Story goes they are out training and just after they send a round down range their spotters come over the coms saying don’t shoot there are scrappers in the impact zone, well they had already shot so....
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