Chris Way RifleKraft Master Class Interview


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  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies

    The Everyday Sniper Podcast: Chris Way MasterClass Interview

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    The Everyday Sniper Podcast is sitting down with RifleKraft's Chris Way. Local Precision Rifle Shooter and Competitor, this in-depth conversation touches on so many elements of what we do as Riflemen.

    The training goals, mindset discussed here is a MasterClass on what it takes to have any success when employing a bolt gun.

    Chris offers up more than 90 minutes of his time to talk training, philosophy, shooting, competition, and more. The experience he has gained in his few years of shooting is impressive.

    The key is his Methods, the goal is successful employment regardless of the position. Where are your limits ?

    Visit Chris' website to download his target, or you can visit the RifleKraft thread on Sniper's Hide

    To watch the Youtube Videos

    It's about putting it all together and executing, Chris takes this to a new level.

    Thanks for Listening, thanks for Sharing, and be sure to Comment in the App or on Sniper's Hide.

    Everyday Sniper Podcast

    Just Do It! You know you have my support. I don’t understand why people just don’t get it.
    There are a core group of people who do; you, Scott, Jacob, etc. And a lot of people are looking for something different. But it’s just not there.
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    @lowlight, I think back to our conversation from a couple weeks back. I know where my core values lie. I know where I think the sport has gone awry. I know what my demographic of shooter desires. So I’ll trend toward that. The more “field” matches grow. The more I’ll throw my effort and money towards them.

    if that means CR2 takes a bit longer to make it’s name. Fine.
    @lowlight Honest question. I fully understand the going back to “fighting” with your rifle and making a match more than what it is today (specifically field style/craft matches). With that said many locations do not have the space or ability to host these style matches. What recommendations would you have for square ranges with limited options?
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    @lowlight Honest question. I fully understand the going back to “fighting” with your rifle and making a match more than what it is today (specifically field style/craft matches). With that said many locations do not have the space or ability to host these style matches. What recommendations would you have for square ranges with limited options?
    There is so much more to a “field” match than just movement. And don’t get hung up on the “fight” mindset. Think of it as employing your system.

    The NRL Hunter series doesn’t incorporate very much movement but they are a great example of the type of things we’re talking about.
    -Deploy on the clark
    -Realistic weapon weights
    -Find your own targets
    -Range the targets
    -Blind stages

    The fact that your told how far your targets are, where they are and exactly what position you have to shoot them from is the symptom of the precision rifle leagues. That’s is exactly why the rifles have trended where they have.
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    There is so much more to a “field” match than just movement. And don’t get hung up on the “fight” mindset. Think of it as employing your system.

    The NRL Hunter series doesn’t incorporate very much movement but they are a great example of the type of things we’re talking about.
    -Deploy on the clark
    -Realistic weapon weights
    -Find your own targets
    -Range the targets
    -Blind stages

    The fact that your told how far your targets are, where they are and exactly what position you have to shoot them from is the symptom of the precision rifle leagues. That’s is exactly why the rifles have trended where they have.
    The reason I used quotes on “fight” was just that reason it a mindset not a true depiction.

    In square range set-up many of the above mentioned things aren’t really possible.

    “Blind stages” aren’t possible at many ranges

    Ranging the targets works for the first shooter (maybe squad). From there it’s a communication nightmare for an MD to control.

    Finding targets on a square range is not difficult since most have to use a backstop.

    So ultimately what it seems to come down to (at least to me) is make it as non-contrived as possible. Find ways to challenge a shooter in a more realistic way to try and expand on the skill sets they must use.

    I believe the matches have become what they have not due necessarily to people not wanting to do these things but more because of the venues available to them.

    Just my thoughts. Always open to new ways to improve a match and challenge shooters.
    @lowlight Honest question. I fully understand the going back to “fighting” with your rifle and making a match more than what it is today (specifically field style/craft matches). With that said many locations do not have the space or ability to host these style matches. What recommendations would you have for square ranges with limited options?

    Less stages with more variety or a movement to .22 to do a "Fighting Rifle" type event so you can maximize the location.

    It's all about your imagination
    The reason I used quotes on “fight” was just that reason it a mindset not a true depiction.

    In square range set-up many of the above mentioned things aren’t really possible.

    “Blind stages” aren’t possible at many ranges
    Absolutely they are
    Ranging the targets works for the first shooter (maybe squad). From there it’s a communication nightmare for an MD to control.
    Use a Laser, we are not talking reticle
    Finding targets on a square range is not difficult since most have to use a backstop.

    Make them identifiable, have 3 targets but only one for sure
    So ultimately what it seems to come down to (at least to me) is make it as non-contrived as possible. Find ways to challenge a shooter in a more realistic way to try and expand on the skill sets they must use.

    I believe the matches have become what they have not due necessarily to people not wanting to do these things but more because of the venues available to them.

    Just my thoughts. Always open to new ways to improve a match and challenge shooters.

    You're pretty close minded, and not a very good thinker when it comes to this stuff, squares ranges are not ideal, but if that is what you have to work with, you have to adapt, you have to look at how things are laid out. Rifles Only is not a field location, it's a kind square range looking, it's definitely not natural

    The idea is to make them THINK not just point a rifle at a target and slap the trigger
    A square range is a CITY

    How would you identify and engage targets in a city ?

    You have to open your mind to the possibilities, mixing in handgun too, fight to your position type stuff

    We have a backstop, we have lanes, how do you mix it up, put a "crowd" of targets out and make someone find the bad guy,

    smaller targets, mixed in with props, which can be nothing more than junk downrange

    You are a Hollywood producer, produce me a movie at your range
    The reason I used quotes on “fight” was just that reason it a mindset not a true depiction.

    In square range set-up many of the above mentioned things aren’t really possible.

    “Blind stages” aren’t possible at many ranges

    Ranging the targets works for the first shooter (maybe squad). From there it’s a communication nightmare for an MD to control.

    Finding targets on a square range is not difficult since most have to use a backstop.

    So ultimately what it seems to come down to (at least to me) is make it as non-contrived as possible. Find ways to challenge a shooter in a more realistic way to try and expand on the skill sets they must use.

    I believe the matches have become what they have not due necessarily to people not wanting to do these things but more because of the venues available to them.

    Just my thoughts. Always open to new ways to improve a match and challenge shooters.
    You see problems I see solutions

    Blind Stages/Ranging:
    -Turn the holding area to face away from the firing line.
    -Separate the holding area for people who have shot a stage and those who haven't.
    -Have the shooters that have already shot a stage immediately go to the next stages holding area
    -Ban rangefinders vs allow rangefinders

    Square Range Problems:
    -Choose to run the match as an urban competition i.e. use cars, buses, mock windowsills, doorways, concrete walls etc.
    -Run the next match using only props found on a farm i.e. rocks, trees, fence posts, feed buckets, hay bales etc.
    -Add pistol to the beginning or end of a stage
    -Make competitors carry/ deploy everything on the clock.
    -Paint the targets the same color as their surroundings.
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    Blind Stages on a Square Range

    At the Gunwerks Monster Lake match in 2018 on the Square range day they used a Van as a blind stage, you entered the van not knowing what to expect, it was a build a position stage. They put a target behind a berm so you had to be up high and to the right to see it. You use the targets to move the shooter

    You can use Tyvek to block your stages, just put a wall up, or move people to the side of a particular stage.

    Not every stage has to be blind, one or two is enough, use the ends of the range to limit the view. A few well placed cars is often enough to block what the shooter is doing.


    you are insanely negative with a Can't Do attitude you need to open your eyes, what your masters have been telling is a lie. They we can't do it crowd it is the reason the inmates are running the asylum. They have convinced you to take it easy on them, which is what a MD wants, less work, just keep repeating yourself, right.

    If you are listening to me, Jacob, et al, and don't understand or don't like what you are hearing, ignore us, we have no interest in playing with those who want to point back to the PRS as something too follow. Clearly they are treating you as expect, so why worry about what we are doing. I just said, we are done, so instead of complaining about what you can't do, try focusing on what you can, if that is too hard, bring in help.
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    Here is a thought, up in AK they run a one day square range event, very PRSy with stages stacked on top of each other... which is typical, we get it.


    So here is the covered 1000 yard range, you can see the construction it has supports that create windows or section of the place that can be blocked off using a Tarp.

    when we stack the tables behind the line for classes, we often Tarp the tables too, which creates a HUGE wall when you view it from the parking lot. You can see a tarp behind me, bt if you dropped it down, and let it block stuff, you have a cheap fix.

    They maximize the space, but you can always run the match 1/2 a day, take an hour lunch and reset the place too


    There are 6 slots if you count the supports. Six bays to play with, at one point nothing says you can' have it be 2 stages and not 6 or 8, reduce the number and make people use the entire length of the bay. Squad 1 is in bays 1 through 3, and Squad 2 is in 4 to 6...
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    Last one for context of a square range,

    This image, the connex box, we stage students behind it, then call them up to the line in pairs to shoot our PR2 Humbler which is blind UKD stage we do on this square KD Range. Still works great and trips people up, sure not the most experienced but enough


    We call the pair up, they hustle to the line have 2 minutes to find it, range it, and engage it, while we take notes

    When they are finished they stay up with us, can't tell your friends.

    this range is 1000 yards, but tiny width wise, they host a match here in season. Behind us is a giant 200 yard bay I keep asking them to turn into a 22 range, it's like 100 yards wide and 200 yards long, almost the biggest bay on the property and it's unused ... just an empty bay. This past year we shot movers there on paper...

    So I did a mover clinic that started out at 100 yards in that bay.
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    @lowlight its just excuses. You and I know it. What they're doing is easy, its met their intent till now. It was fun, for a while. But the masses are stir crazy. Just about anyone who has been in the game for more than a couple of years is thirsty for something different. They'll realize when it hits their pocketbook.

    They were told playing HORSE was fun, which it is, like you said for a while, but then people get bored of playing the same game over and over... they move on.

    Its easy money to go cookie cutter, Rinse, Wash, Repeat, cash the checks, I bet these same places haven't changed more than one stage per event in the past several years. If they have 20 stages and aren't changing at least 5 every match, sad face. If they are one day events, at least 3 should be different each time.

    In the Rifles Only podcast both Jacob and I mentioned this and admitted guilt, but it was also because the situations we faced created an atmosphere of "why bother" if people don't care, or don't appreciate it, why go the extra mile. But now people are starting to wake back up and realize you can do better.

    It's a time to reset, refocus and think outside of the box, or for the rest of you, return to the roots of this stuff.
    @lowlight and @Robo 248

    This is great feedback and the ideas make sense. I appreciate the details you have provided on how to implement some of these stages. I do not have the ability to travel around the country shooting different matches and seeing how others set up there ranges/stages for various matches. This forum really does help to gather those ideas or changes. This was my reason for asking the questions I did, as I am always trying to improve the matches I put on.

    I try to be creative with the stages I create ( i.e. open field find the target, don't paint the target anything other than "camouflage" color which people hate.) We run monthly matches, "larger" 2 day matches and this year looking to do smaller twice a month evening (pop in, pop out) matches, so creativity and variation is important.

    Many of the matches I run do not have dedicated stage RO's so this is where my mindset was and the context of where my questions were coming from. (obviously that was not communicated very well) My questions were geared toward how to potentially accomplish these with Squad RO's who are also shooters.

    I do listen to many individuals and I am always looking for new ways to challenge (not with gamey props) the shooters. If I were not looking for new ideas or just wanting to keep the status quo, I would not be here asking questions.

    We as shooters are quick to assume someone is a naysayers or not wanting to change when in reality communication through the internet is not always the best way to understand intentions or background (as it is very evident my initial questions did not have the proper context to them).

    Again appreciate the ideas and further clarification around how some of these things could be accomplished.
    @lowlight and @Robo 248

    This is great feedback and the ideas make sense. I appreciate the details you have provided on how to implement some of these stages. I do not have the ability to travel around the country shooting different matches and seeing how others set up there ranges/stages for various matches. This forum really does help to gather those ideas or changes. This was my reason for asking the questions I did, as I am always trying to improve the matches I put on.

    I try to be creative with the stages I create ( i.e. open field find the target, don't paint the target anything other than "camouflage" color which people hate.) We run monthly matches, "larger" 2 day matches and this year looking to do smaller twice a month evening (pop in, pop out) matches, so creativity and variation is important.

    Many of the matches I run do not have dedicated stage RO's so this is where my mindset was and the context of where my questions were coming from. (obviously that was not communicated very well) My questions were geared toward how to potentially accomplish these with Squad RO's who are also shooters.

    I do listen to many individuals and I am always looking for new ways to challenge (not with gamey props) the shooters. If I were not looking for new ideas or just wanting to keep the status quo, I would not be here asking questions.

    We as shooters are quick to assume someone is a naysayers or not wanting to change when in reality communication through the internet is not always the best way to understand intentions or background (as it is very evident my initial questions did not have the proper context to them).

    Again appreciate the ideas and further clarification around how some of these things could be accomplished.
    Good deal brother!

    Be the change you want to see in the world.
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    "Field Exercise" matches are what I have been looking for for some time. I want to improve my skills as a rifleman and all the skill sets that go with any conditions and environment that a rifleman must function in to accomplish his impact on whatever the target may be. More power to Jacob, Frank, and Chris in making this available. Thanks
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    Is anyone else's podcast 6 hrs long and just super buggy? It just keeps repeating. First time I've seen this happen on pocket casts


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    Some people like basketball, some people like horse... who cares... either way it increases participation on all levels....

    Some people like USPSA... some like IPSC... who cares... it increases participation on all levels...

    If someone doesn't like what another is doing, do it better... do it different... your choice. The market will decide.

    If you want to want to talk BS about others and shame them into submission to your way of thinking because your way is the right way, vote for Biden.
    The Shannon is the victim and I am bully lol

    nah, I discouraged because your a blatant troll. And you coming on here to defend them the way you did with the same bullshit lies, just makes it obvious. So you got taxed for being a blatant troll

    yes, you all are the victims, and I am just “shaming” people... hahaha, me, I’m the one steering the ship Over there, they move by my word, lol. Wow you deserved to be banned, but discouraged works for me, bye troll.
    Interesting, how is a paying supporter a troll?

    I didn't bring up Shannon at all. There are different focuses for each participant. Just because they don't want to do field craft doesn't mean they are wrong or a troll or anything else.

    I'm a newbie to this sport, I'm a paying supporter to your site. I'm here to learn, and have a different opinion on what I've seen from my personal experience as a newbie.

    I try to voice my opinion and you call me a troll and ban me...

    I would say that's spot on for the philosophy of CNN and cancel culture.

    You talk about how newbies aren't welcome... you, have proven that point.
    See keep digging, you are the one comparing to a Biden vote

    I‘ll refund your account, I don’t want your money, what, did you have to sell something

    you have no clue what we are saying, it’s not just fieldcraft, it’s a host of other things, you have zero fucking frame of reference, and I helped start this shit you fucktard.

    i am not gonna explain it to you, because you don’t get it, you just want to toss in a cheap shot, just like a troll.
    Oh I see, you just came from K&M and you paid to take their course, so now you’re their defender

    well bravo, poor, poor, K&M I’m trying to shame them am I, which one of the Rockstars there told you that...

    so you got one side of the story and now I’m the democrat party, lol, see I was right, okay, you got me, Shill, not Troll, you came here to shill for them and defend their side, lol poor, poor fool.

    OWNED !
    Again, interesting, never mentioned K&M, Shannon, PRS or anything else...

    I haven't sold anything, nor do I have anything to sell. I have bought a few things though.

    I've watched this sport for many years and finally had the opportunity to participate. It's been a terrific experience. I've listened to ALL of your podcasts, and many others. I've learned a lot and am grateful to you and many others.

    Just because I have a different opinion, I've now been called a troll, a shill, a fucktard, a fool... keyboards are empowering aren't they. I'm not sure how any of those help grow or promote the sport. They sure don't help any sponsors, suppliers or manufacturers.

    Some people may only want to participate in cookie cutter events, others may want other challenges. Either is fine and both are good for the sport and will help it grow.

    As for owned...
    Dude you’re an amateur

    do you want me to bring the receipts that you just came from there ?

    how does telling a match director they can’t host any other matches grow the sport

    how does telling the NRL if they want to share they have to give the PRS the center fire matches and the NRL can have the 22s grow the sport

    how does telling my Moderator his rimfire series can host a PRS 22 event if he edits my website grow the sport

    you don’t know what the duck you are talking about there was no PRS without with SH you stupid fuck, we had matches better than ten years prior

    you like the the watered down shit, great, I don’t, if you had half a brain and understood a 1/4 of what I said, you’d have kept your digs to yourself. If you really wanted to influence me, you would have sent a pm to me, like many do.

    no you wanted to toss in your Biden line and you probably just got finished playing horse and your buddies feelings are hurt so here you are.

    since it’s a boring tv night and I’ll just end up watching torchwood reruns, I’ll entertain your fantasies
    My buddy and I attended long range match last month. It was a team match blind targets. Ranges were given due to a imminent snow storm so that everyone was on a clean slate. All gear on back or in hand. 3 minutes for both shooters to find and engage a single target. 4 shots per shooter max with first round hit being 4x the distance 2nd rd 3x the distance and so on. You and partner could share wind calls and any info to help your partner. It was a blast till the blizzard hit. We are having a Rimfire match this weekend using the same parameters hoping it will be a hit. I love shooting different courses but I can see how some of the smaller area ranges are limited due to space and time moving all the shooters thru.

    I'm kicking around the idea of having a rimfire match with 10 stages 10 shots per stage 2 mags max shooter starts at holding area and has 15 minutes to complete the course. Time might have to be changed longer or shorter depending on how it works out. You would have to run or move from stage to stage on the clock.
    It’s not just the stages the list is long and the number of those paying to play is shrinking - watch for their red herrings

    yes they can add tons of matches but not everyone is paying the series the numbers are public, less than 700 people shot 3 or more matches, stuff is public

    it’s sad what they don’t know, or even know what they are missing, but hey I’m just a bully trying to shame people to do better

    My hateful, shameful, message you can do better and you should be, you’re cheating people out of an experience vs a cookie cutter game

    if you’re really listening like they claim, I said several times I was done talking about it on the podcast because we had a plan. There is a growing like minded group that is building it, I said it, you go eadt, we’ll stay west and just do our own thing.

    2022 the cup will begin as a stand-alone event, and I referenced Mammoth, so we’re you really listening or just stirring the pot many of us let go.

    see amateur
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    @lowlight, I think back to our conversation from a couple weeks back. I know where my core values lie. I know where I think the sport has gone awry. I know what my demographic of shooter desires. So I’ll trend toward that. The more “field” matches grow. The more I’ll throw my effort and money towards them.

    if that means CR2 takes a bit longer to make it’s name. Fine.
    We have a field-style course that started as a very similar format to the Whittington hunter course, one shot per target with the package spread across a wide FOF. We had a hell of a time getting shooters. When they blended more than 1 shot per target and upped the round count we did get more PRS type shooters. So many of them came once and never came back because you have to hike up and down hills in 90-100 degrees or navigate mud.

    Fast forward to today and the monthlies are full and a hybrid field conditions (hiking, multiple targets with target packages that have a wide FOF) to attract both PRS shooters and hunters who are willing to put in the work. The point being some shooters just will not put in the effort to hike and carry their gear, but it seems like the tide is turning.

    We run a one-day Team UKD once a year in November and it sells out. Heck, we got 20,000 views on the Hide for a single match, because we view this as a spin-up and learning opportunity and blend in scenarios you might encounter hunting.

    We were the only field match in CA, then the only ones doing a UKD Team Match. This year Todd Henderson is also running one in Tehama I believe. There is certainly room for more field-style matches, the downside is, few ranges can accommodate them.
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    Think about the progression

    we used to Run and Gun, Rifles Only was a training location working with war fighters, there was (is) a 300 yard live fire O course

    the mantra at RO is mag out bolt back for safety, a thing many people disliked, but now look how that change caused the problems we see today.

    heavier rifles with lighter triggers, when you move fast you get NDs when you have to carry stuff over distance you get tired make mistakes

    if instead of negotiating 3 or 4 props over 25 yards you now only have to manage one. You just move up and down the spaces because it’s easy and safe

    they removed everything that made it fun because they got tired and couldn’t maintain safety

    the most popular matches were the ASC and SHC - the ASC is a field match that needed 2 weekends to host everyone- it was sniper golf - not Horse

    people don’t know what they don’t know so how can they understand it
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    I just listened to most of the podcast today but have to run so I wanted to write this while everything is fresh in my head. hopefully not long winded

    from the new guy point of view. I got into precision rifles for the problem-solution type shooting. I have limited knowledge of competition PRS type shooting. I shot and watched a few local matches. I had a good time but something was missing.

    Everything that was said in the podcast is what myself and the small group of buddies I shoot with are looking for. those matches you would shoot between 70 and 120 rounds. but I would rather if I hiked 20+ miles and only took 10 shots the entire day. as long as I am mentally and physically exhausted by the end of the match I believe it was successful.

    Even stages were its best NOT to take a shot would but up to the shooter to decide. a stage were you need to identify a target then move to a engagement area without being spotted. if you get spotted you would fail the stage. I understand you would need a lot of range officials to do a stage like that. but you could use the shooters who just shot the stage as the spotters attempting to call out the next group of shooters on the stage. just an idea that I would be interested in.

    Or a stage were you give a grid like you said. you can take trail A or B. trail A is short but difficult trail B is a long but simple. only have X amount of time to get there range and hit the target. Old man could take is 4wheeler like you said but the more fit people my lean towards taking the short more difficult trail. 20 lb rifle and 17 bags makes a difference.
    I understand most ranges cant do this. but this is what myself and others i shot with are interested in. the problem solving... maybe I fit into just a small group of shooters I'm not sure.

    Also you have a peer evaluation after the match. each group evaluating how the group after them attempted to go through the coarse of fire.

    not sure if theres anything like this. like i said im new to this. But as a new guy getting into this area of shooting this is what i would like to see more of.
    Man the bomb that dropped today was another pretty big example of this bullshit.

    What does the "S" in PRS stand for, that is the question, does every PRS mean Precision Rifle "Series" or can that "S" have another meaning ... Hmmm

    Why would you threaten a Cease and Desist over the Sssssss. things that make you go Hmmm

    Grow the Sport, but don't walk on my cloud while you do it
    Man the bomb that dropped today was another pretty big example of this bullshit.

    What does the "S" in PRS stand for, that is the question, does every PRS mean Precision Rifle "Series" or can that "S" have another meaning ... Hmmm

    Why would you threaten a Cease and Desist over the Sssssss. things that make you go Hmmm

    Grow the Sport, but don't walk on my cloud while you do it
    Now imma need to get one of them, they’re about to be collectors items

    Look at that! An actual field match with naturally occurring/ realistic firing positions.

    Oh there is a Hunter theme, cool, let’s have an animal processing class.

    Oh we’re gonna have processed some animal. Cool, let’s have a BBQ.

    Oh we’re gonna have a BBQ and camp out, let’s bring in some local talent and put on a concert.

    Its this friggin easy people!
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    This was an excellent episode. Really like where your head is at Frank. Chris too obviously. I would love to help out with your match idea if there's anything I can do. Happy to RO or take pictures or video if you want. Or just use my channel to help promote it.
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    This could be a whole topic in itself. But what would be your key specs for a field match rifle? Not after specific brands but more of philosophy for chosing what.

    Ie chassis vs stock, barrel length, optimal weight, etc.

    The last year I have been kicking around the idea of a rifle I could carry hunting but one I could still take and shoot on the range, especially with the NRL Hunter shoots. I think this episode has solidified that plan.