Christensen Mesa 6.5 creedmoor suppressor recomendations


Jan 8, 2021
I'm looking to purchase a suppressor for my 6.5 creedmoor stock Christensen Mesa 1:8 twist 416R stainless steel barrel with a featherweight, contour, stainless steel, seamless radial brake (Removable)
Threaded Muzzle ½ × 28 (⅝ x 24 for 28 Nosler)
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 ffp scope.
What suppressor would you choose and why?
You’re going to be asked what your primary use is (hunting, bench shooting, comps) and what your budget is. Also if this can will be dedicated to your bolt rifle(s) or will it see time on a gas gun as well.
I really like my silencerco harvester. Every suppressor is a tradeoff between weight, size, suppression, caliber ratings, and cost and I feel like the harvester fits what I want from a hunting rifle can quite well. I wish I had a shorter can for my prs rifle but that's a different use.

I've used it on 223, 22-250, 6.5 grendel, 308, and 300 win mag and all were great. The anchor brake helped quite a bit on the 300 and it doesn't weigh a ton. I switch back and forth between the asr quick release mount and direct thread depending on which rifle it's going on (mostly because I need to buy more asr muzzle devices) and haven't had any accuracy issues with either.
I wouldn't say the TBACs are too heavy. You are comparing a 6.5" can (Nomad) to a 9" can (ultra9). Of course the 9" will weigh more. A better comparison would be the NomadTi to the Ultra 7 since those are closer in size. Between those two there isn't much of a weight difference at all.
I wouldn't say the TBACs are too heavy. You are comparing a 6.5" can (Nomad) to a 9" can (ultra9). Of course the 9" will weigh more. A better comparison would be the NomadTi to the Ultra 7 since those are closer in size. Between those two there isn't much of a weight difference at all.
I’m not talking length at all. I’m talking the way they sound. The ultra 7 isn’t as quiet as the Nomad or the Nomad Ti, and the Nomad Ti is substantially lighter than any of them. For a hunting weight barrel it’s about as light as I’ve seen. My point was that it’s a very similar sound between the Ultra 9 and the Nomad Ti, although I think I give a slight edge to the ultra 9 there but in a long heavy platform which is just fine on a heavy target rifle.
Doesn't matter. Run an Ultra 5 because it's the lightest and smallest and for 5" cans it's the most effective that I'm aware of. Is it the quietest? no. But for hunting and practicing it takes enough of the noise away to be effective.

IMO the weight/length on a hunting setup is more important. I've got a lot of options available from 5-9" and I routinely run the ultra 5 because it's so handy and quiet enough. YMMV.

If you are more concerned with sound suppression, Nomad L is the way to go. I've got a Dominus coming (eventually....) and I'm curious to see how it stacks up next to the Nomad L but for right now the Nomad L is the quietest rifle can I've ever heard.
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I’m not talking length at all. I’m talking the way they sound. The ultra 7 isn’t as quiet as the Nomad or the Nomad Ti, and the Nomad Ti is substantially lighter than any of them. For a hunting weight barrel it’s about as light as I’ve seen. My point was that it’s a very similar sound between the Ultra 9 and the Nomad Ti, although I think I give a slight edge to the ultra 9 there but in a long heavy platform which is just fine on a heavy target rifle.
I haven't seen the data that shows the nomad decibel reduction against the U7. Maybe it does come in quieter at the ear? I would be interested in seeing that if you have a link. Personally I can't tell a difference shooting them. Or are you just referring to tone?
For me, the only reason I would buy the Ti vs the U7 or U9 is if I planned on having it on a gas gun at some point. And I am not dogging DA as I have several of their cans and am very happy with those purchases.
If you are more concerned with sound suppression, Nomad L is the way to go. I've got a Dominus coming (eventually....) and I'm curious to see how it stacks up next to the Nomad L but for right now the Nomad L is the quietest rifle can I've ever heard.
Or maybe better yet the LT. I have one on backorder now to round out my Nomad collection but was also curious how it performs next to the Dominus.
I'm looking to purchase a suppressor for my 6.5 creedmoor stock Christensen Mesa 1:8 twist 416R stainless steel barrel with a featherweight, contour, stainless steel, seamless radial brake (Removable)
Threaded Muzzle ½ × 28 (⅝ x 24 for 28 Nosler)
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 ffp scope.
What suppressor would you choose and why?
You should hold off and do a lot of research.

Your threads on the Mesa are likely too small to support the suppressor you want per most major brand's recommendations.

I am currently going through the issue now with my 7mm Mesa. Though Christensen advertises and will tell you that their rifles are suppressor ready, the barrel walls are too thin at the 1/2 x 28 threading configuration to support my TBAC Ultra 7. Not only my TBAC, but almost all major brands. I have been on and off the phone all day with Christensen trying to solve this problem but their only solution is to "buy a thread adapter", which TBAC strongly advised against. Obviously I have a larger diameter bore than you, but the folks at TBAC reassured me that this would be an issue with my 6.5 as well.

If you already own the rifle, you are SOL and will have to cut, crown and re-thread the barrel if you want to suppress. I was told by Christensen that this will void the barrel warranty. Additionally, you run the risk of a change in accuracy and speed (chopping off length). Your dope will have to be recalculated and you may end up with a rifle that just doesn't shoot well anymore.
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