Where does one find Christmas to be more than purses and fulfilling some type of self-worth complex by trying to purchase/receive your way to happiness? I have some money, I ain't rich by some standards but I have done pretty well. I also have a lot to be thankful for and feel blessed. But these days it seems all this buying is just to buy, trying to prove how much someone means, or cares...or trying to justify worth, and value.
That somehow it washes away the dirt, at least temporary, until of course the newness wears off. Perhaps I am being overly cynical, and the path to happiness is in the next Amazon package? I am not saying gifts are wrong or whatever, but that Christmas has devolved, even just in my lifetime, to some Uber-marketed, hyped-up spend-fest.
And ya, ya Salty...where you been the last 15 years while fuckers be beating each other over the blue-light special flat screen TV? Idk, maybe it's a culmination of factors, but man...that old Christmas spirit, doesn't seem to shine quite as bright anymore.
That somehow it washes away the dirt, at least temporary, until of course the newness wears off. Perhaps I am being overly cynical, and the path to happiness is in the next Amazon package? I am not saying gifts are wrong or whatever, but that Christmas has devolved, even just in my lifetime, to some Uber-marketed, hyped-up spend-fest.
And ya, ya Salty...where you been the last 15 years while fuckers be beating each other over the blue-light special flat screen TV? Idk, maybe it's a culmination of factors, but man...that old Christmas spirit, doesn't seem to shine quite as bright anymore.