For the excess carbon build up on other firearms I use a bronze scratch awl. Which comes mounted on a leatherman MUT, before that I used a bronze knife like scratching tool. Works great for me. Only thing that is also required is a bucket of patience. Which isn't sold on aisle 3 in your local hardware store. My Ti-Rant is a .45 also. How are you shooting yours? Wet? If so with what medium? I have found that it shoots a bit cleaner if I shoot it dry. Though shooting with water in it is so much fun, the presence of carbon doubles. I haven't tried fireclean yet, but frog-lube has made cleaning much easier. Particularly on the baffles. Hope some of this helps ya out man. As for my Surefire 5.56 can. I only brush and scrape the adapter free of carbon and make sure the inside of the mount is free of carbon. Very light wipe with frog-lube rag, mount to rifle, load rifle, squeeze triggger until mag is empty, repeat until you are done shooting for the day.