Suppressors Cleaning the muzzle after using a suppressor

How often is it recommened to clean the carbon deposit from the of a gun barrel that is suppressed? What do yall use? CLR? Something else?
I do not leave a suppressor on the barrel. It’s quite likely to get locked in there by carbon and other powder residue.

When I get home after a range trip, I wipe the muzzle threads with Bore Tech Carbon Remover and put a thread protector on.

It’s amazing how much crud can build up on there quickly.

I no also follow TBAC’s general recommendation to clean the can when it picks up 3 oz of crud. What I do is every 300 rounds or so I plug the muzzle end of the van with a silicon plug and fill it with BT Carbon Remover and set it upright for a day. Then pour it out and put a hose to the can. Seems to work well enough.

Of course, I know others who never/rarely take their can off.
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I brush my threads with a nylon or brass brush after use. Dry.

Once you put a solvent to the threads and get them all gummy it becomes bigger job to get them back to clean and smooth. Occasionally this needs to be done dependent on caliber and powder but I’ll use boretech c4 for the purpose, followed by a thorough degrease. Usually this is a multi day process at that point.

I keep my threads dry, no lube. Once there’s a little carbon on there it acts as a lubricant.

I will clean the crown ask clean the barrel. Usually some c4 and a q tip. I don’t go nuts.

Once the barrel is toast I’ll pull the brake/adapter and let it sit submerged in c4 for a week. Rinse, degrease and it’s ready for the next.
419 Hellfire Match here, their adapter on the Nomad 30. I leave the adapter on the barrel, just use C4 to clean the crown and the shoulder of the adapter each trip. I wipe the corresponding surface inside the can right after and haven't done anything inside, maybe I'll do that silicone plug soak once a year as mentioned? If I do use the brake, they are a pain in the ass to deal with, I gave up and just brush the bore section after I soak it for a day or so in Ed's Red. If you try to get it "clean" you would be at it forever.
For the Deadair Sandman Keymo, I use all flash hiders except one which is their brake, I use a foaming cleaner for that, get a Qtip onto the muzzle the best I can and flush with carb/brake cleaner.
I use both brakes and cans mounted via Area 419 hellfire system and every 200-300 rounds I remove the adapter and use CLR to melt that carbon off the crown and threads quicker than shit.
I have been using CLR and brush to clean the crown which was my most concerning question as the build up on the crown is significant even after one range session of 40-60 rounds.
I run TBAC cans with their brakes that are "permanently" mounted with red Loctite to the barrel (not intended to be removed for the life of the barrel, but can be removed with heat so the brake/mount can be installed on the new barrel when it's time to replace the old one). You cannot clean the crown of the barrel with the brake on because you cannot access it. I asked TBAC what they recommend about cleaning the crown and they said, "We don't clean them, and it doesn't affect anything regarding accuracy". I reluctantly followed their lead and currently have a 6.5CM barrel with over 3200 rounds, a 300NM barrel with nearly 1500 rounds (both near the end of their service life) and several other barrels in other chamberings that are mid-life. Due to the "permanently" mounted brakes, none have had the crown cleaned since new, and none have experienced any degradation in accuracy. I know the 6.5 and 300NM are going to start going south soon, but that will be due to round count/throat erosion.
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I run TBAC cans with their brakes that are "permanently" mounted with red Loctite to the barrel (not intended to be removed for the life of the barrel, but can be removed with heat so the brake/mount can be installed on the new barrel when it's time to replace the old one). You cannot clean the crown of the barrel with the brake on because you cannot access it. I asked TBAC what they recommend about cleaning the crown and they said, "We don't clean them, and it doesn't affect anything regarding accuracy". I reluctantly followed their lead and currently have a 6.5CM barrel with over 3200 rounds, a 300NM barrel with nearly 1500 rounds (both near the end of their service life) and several other barrels in other chamberings that are mid-life. Due to the "permanently" mounted brakes, none have had the crown cleaned since new, and none have experienced any degradation in accuracy. I know the 6.5 and 300NM are going to start going south soon, but that will be due to round count/throat erosion.
That is very interesting and good to know. Thank you.