This sale is going to raise $$ for my daughters med bills.
Haven't shot this in several years, seriously doubt it has 50 rds thru it.
$1200 $1150 $1100 OBRO shipped CONUS without scope/mount, $2200 $2150 with. USO TS-20 2.5-20x50 MGR in an LT204.
Mount has been sold, scope sold listed in its own thread. Lower could also be available.
Possible trade options: Basic Glock in 9mm, 10mm, or .45ACP full size or compact, S&W M&P, something similar...
Haven't shot this in several years, seriously doubt it has 50 rds thru it.

Mount has been sold, scope sold listed in its own thread
Possible trade options: Basic Glock in 9mm, 10mm, or .45ACP full size or compact, S&W M&P, something similar...
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