Rifle Scopes Closest to NF NXS 2.5-10


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 28, 2020
I’m putting together a 22ARC, in an AR. I really want an NXS 2.5-10x42. But where I get them from are back ordered a year. The purpose of the gun is primarily hunting coyote, 18” suppressed.

My general criteria are:
Decent glass
Elevation turret, capped windage
I prefer a center cross hair and not a dot
Good low end, high end 10-15 would be fine
Lightweight, prefer not to go over 24oz, otherwise I’d just hop up to an NX8 2.5, but unsure how it would be on an AR and would have to go to FFP to get a crosshair over the dot

Basically I’m describing an NXS, but what out there is close. Hoping to stay under 1500 but depending on a deal may go up. Used is fine.

So what’s out there? I’ve researched plenty and know some of the options. Maybe I just need to wait for a used NXS